The influences of Union and Labor Relations on Occupational Accident Rate: In Korean Manufacturing and Construction Industry

노동조합 유무와 노사관계가 산업 재해율에 미치는 영향 : 제조업과 건설업 중심으로

  • Cho, Hm Hak (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, KOSHA) ;
  • Lee, Jaehee (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, KOSHA) ;
  • Rhee, Kyung Yong (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, KOSHA)
  • 조흠학 (안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원) ;
  • 이재희 (안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원) ;
  • 이경용 (안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원)
  • Received : 2014.07.20
  • Accepted : 2014.09.19
  • Published : 2014.09.30


The Purpose of this study is to compare occupational accident rate of unionized and non-unionized company and to investigate influences of labor relations on occupational accident rate in Korean manufacturing and construction Industry. Data in 2011 Occupational safety and Health Trend Survey were analyzed for this study. Results show that the occupational accident rate was lower in unionized company than non-unionized company. And amicable labor relationship reduces the occupational accident rate. The policy should be needed to support labor union and improve labor relationship to prevent industrial accidents.



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  1. The comparison of provision of risk information between employees with labour union and non labour union vol.16, pp.4, 2014,