The Correlation of Voice Characteristics and Depression Index Analysis in Accordance with Menstrual Cycle

월경주기에 따른 우울지수 정도와 음성특성과의 상관관계 분석

  • Received : 2014.08.07
  • Accepted : 2014.09.20
  • Published : 2014.09.30


This study investigated the differences between emotional parameters BDI, VHI, STAI-X-I and STAI-X-II according to the menstrual cycles of the female and the relation between changes of the depression index and voice characteristics (jitter, shimmer, CPP, HNR, $pF0{\cdot}F1{\cdot}F2{\cdot}F3$, sF0, sF4, sB1, $H1_{c/u}$, $A1_u$, $A3_c$, $H1A3_{c/u}$, $H1A1_u$). Twenty three females ($30{\pm}4.4$ years old) living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were participated in this study to answer the questionnaires and record their voice. The participants prolonged /a/ vowel for 5 seconds in a natural condition for their voice recording. Voice data were analyzed using the Matlab and Praat program. A t-test and a correlation analysis were conducted by using SPSS for the statistical analysis. The results are as follows. First, the BDI is significantly higher in group I (lurear phase contrast the menstrual period) and group II (follicular phase against the menstrual period) than group III (luteal phase for follicular phase) (p<.05). Second, shimmer, CPP, pF0 showed a statistically high correlation regarding the BDI in group I (lurear phase contrast the menstrual period). Voice parameters may be useful as supplement in evaluating the emotional change in the phase of menstrual cycle.



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