The Dissolution Process of Dongnae-bu Dongheon Block under the Rule of Japanese

일제강점기 동래부 동헌 일곽의 해체 과정

  • Received : 2014.04.15
  • Accepted : 2014.08.12
  • Published : 2014.08.31


The purpose of this paper is to examine the dissolution process of Dongnae-bu Dongheon Block(東萊府 東軒 一廓) under the Rule of Japanese. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the space orgnization of Dongnae-bu Dongheon Block(東萊府 東軒 一廓) proved to be clear on the basis of Dongnae-bu Eupji(東萊府 邑誌), the ficture of Dongnae-bu(東萊府) and the Original Land Registration Map(地籍原圖) at the end of Joseon Dynasty. Second, the old government offices, as well as Chungsin-dang(忠信堂), were converted into the local government office for the sake of Japanese colonialism. Third, the old government office and its land were transferred to the banking system(金融組合) and the educational foundation(學校組合) in the interests of Japanese colonist. Finally, the transfer land of civilian industry association forced Mangmi-ru(望美樓) and Dokjin-daeamun(獨鎭大衙門) to remove to another site and the private lots-subdivision assisted space taking to pieces.



  1. "The Original Land Registration Map(地籍原圖)", National Archives of Korea.
  2. "The Cadaster(土地臺帳)", Dongnae-gu Office.
  3. "The Land Registration Map(地籍圖)", Dongnae-gu Office.
  4. "Dongnaebu-ji (東萊府誌)"(1740)
  5. "Dongnaebu-eupji (東萊府邑誌)"(1899)
  6. "Dongnae-gunji (東萊郡誌)"(1937).
  7. The Official Gazette(官報), Cabinet Legislation Bureau Compilation(內閣法制局官報課編), Gyu16042(奎 16042).
  8. "The Provincial Government Office Building Register (地方廳建物臺帳)", National Archives of Korea.
  9. Naesung Elementary School, Provide material photo.
  10. Dongnae-gu Office, Provide material photo.
  11. Gim, Han-geun, Private holdings photo.
  12. Dongnae High School, Provide material photo.
  13. "Dong-A Ilbo(東亞日報)"
  14. Busan Metropolitan City, "Old Map of Busan(釜山古地圖)", Pusan National University, 2008.
  15. "Dongnaebusa-Jeopwaesa-Do(東萊府使接倭使圖)", National Museum of Korea.
  16. "Dongrae-Eupseong Drainage and Road Readjustment Planning(東萊邑城內排水並道路整理計劃平面圖)", Busan Modern History Museum.
  17. Dongnae-gu Office.Institute of Industrial Technology PNU, "東萊府東軒 一廓 整備綜合計劃", 2012.
  18. Seo, Chi-Sang(서치상).J i, Sung-J in(지성진).Cho, Hyung-Rae (조형래), "A Study on the Restoration of the Donghun district at Dongrae-bu", "Journal of the Regional Association of Architectural Institute of Korea"Vol.9 No.2, 2007.6.