Study on the clinical application of the remedy of the synchronus combination of cupping boil and moxibustion (BUDDEUMI)

부항과 쑥뜸의 겸용치료기(부뜸이)의 임상 활용 방안에 대한 기초 연구

  • Received : 2014.07.18
  • Accepted : 2014.08.17
  • Published : 2014.08.29


Objectives In order to extend the bounds of korean medical instruments, we studied on the clinical application of BUDDEUM (the remedy of the synchronus combination of cupping boil and moxibustion) by the industry-academic cooperation. Methods The korean clinic, enterprise and university participated in jointly an educational-industrial complex. We studied on the clinical application of BUDDEUMI according to the structural character, functional efficiency and clinical case. And therefore we confirmed clinically the application of BUDDEUMI. Results The results was as follows. 1. The effects of BUDDEUMI are observed on the detoxification of blood waste material, & the form and appearance of effete matter are various. 2. The BUDDEUMI massage treatment operated in the abdominal and the back in order to recover energy and increase immunity. 3. The heating treatment by BUDDEUMI operated in sickly region, in order to pour into heat of moxibustion. Conclusion According to the results, by the set up the exclusive therapy room and the arrange of the exclusive human agency of BUDDEUMI, the newly and various therapies of korean medicine are possible to develop.



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