곡성 동악산 청류구곡(淸流九曲)의 형태 및 의미론적 특성

Characteristic on the Layout and Semantic Interpretation of Chungryu-Gugok, Dongaksan Mountain, Gokseong

  • 노재현 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과) ;
  • 신상섭 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과) ;
  • 허준 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과) ;
  • 이정한 (우석대학교대학원 조경토목공학과) ;
  • 한상엽 ((유)한백종합건설 조경팀)
  • Rho, Jae-Hyun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University) ;
  • Shin, Sang-Sup (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University) ;
  • Huh, Joon (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Han (Dept. of Landscape Architecture Graduate School, Woosuk University) ;
  • Han, Sang-Yub (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Hanbaek Construction co., Ltd.)
  • 투고 : 2014.11.03
  • 심사 : 2014.12.05
  • 발행 : 2014.12.30


동악산 청류구곡 일원은 아름다운 계류를 따라 와폭(臥瀑)과 담(潭), 소(沼), 대(臺) 등의 암반경관과 성리문화의 전형으로 향유되어온 구곡문화가 실증적으로 대입된 사례로, 1872년 곡성현 지방도에서 "삼남제일암반계류 청류동(三南第一巖盤溪流 淸流洞)"으로 명기된 바와 같이 풍치가 탁월한 승경처임을 보여준다. 경물(景物)과 경구(警句)가 육로와 수로에 쌍으로 설정되어 차별성을 갖는 청류구곡은 일제강점기인 1916년 이전, 정순태와 조병순의 주도로 설정된 것으로 판단되지만 성리학자들은 물론 불교지도자, 독립운동가 등 선현들의 장구처 등이 다수 발견되는 것으로 볼 때 오래전부터 명인(名人)들의 산수탐방과 은일처로 활용된 것으로 추정된다. 도림사계곡의 기반암 암상에 구성된 청류구곡은 산지형 하천으로 총 길이 약 1.2km, 평균 곡거리 149m로 국내 여타 구곡에 비해 짧은 것으로 나타났다. 전남지역에서 유일하게 확증된 동악산 3개 구곡의 바위글씨는 총 165건으로 국내에서 가장 많은 바위글씨의 집결지로 판단된다. 특히 112개소로 집계된 청류구곡 바위글씨의 내용 분석결과, '수신(修身)'의 의미가 49점(43.8%)으로 가장 많았으며 다음으로 '인명' 21건(18.8%), '경물' 16건(14.2%), 장구처 등 장구지소' 12건(10.6%) 등이었고 '시구(詩句)'가 차지하는 비율은 6건(3.6%)으로 나타났다. 육로상의 제1곡 쇄연문과 수로상의 제9곡 제시인간별유천(除是人間別有天)은 박세화(朴世和)가 충북 제천에 설정한 용하구곡(用夏九曲)의 제1곡 홍단연쇄(虹斷烟鎖) 및 제9곡 제시인간별유천과 일치하는 것으로 동일한 시원(始原)을 갖는 구곡명으로 유추된다. 또한 육로상 제6곡 대은병(大隱屛)은 주자 무이구곡의 제7곡과 일치하는 것으로 구곡원림의 거점으로 인식되며, 7곡과 8곡 사이의 '암서재(巖棲齋)'와 '포경재(抱經齋)' 바위글씨와 석축 흔적 등은 무이구곡 은병봉 아래 무이정사와 비견되는 것으로, 기호사림의 청류동 활동거점으로 파악된다. 선사어제(鮮史御帝), 보가효우(保家孝友, 고종), 사무사(思無邪, 명나라 의종), 백세청풍(百世淸風, 주자), 청류수석 동악풍경(흥선 대원군) 등 명인들의 명구들이 망라된 동악산 구곡은 높은 유가미학적 가치를 표출함은 물론 의미론적 상징문화경관의 보고라 할 수 있다. 아울러 청류구곡은 수심양성을 위한 유가적 가치체계와 불교 및 도교적 관념 등이 공존하는 유불선(儒彿仙) 3교 문화경관의 결집체로 특성이 부각된다. 청류구곡은 최익현(崔益鉉), 전우(田愚), 기우만(奇宇萬), 송병선(宋秉璿), 황현(黃玹) 등으로 대변되는 조선 후기 사림계층이 성리학의 도통의식을 계승하고 '위정척사'와 '존왕양이(尊王攘夷)', '항일의지 고취' 등의 수단으로 설정되고 활용하는 과정에서 배태(胚胎)된 항일 역사문화 항쟁의 거점으로서 장소성과 의미론적 특성에 충일하다.

The result of the research conducted for the purpose of investigating the semantic value and the layout of the Cheongryu Gugok of Dorimsa Valley, which exhibits a high level of completeness and scenic preservation value among the three gugoks distributed in the area around Mt. Dongak of Gogseong is as follows.4) The area around Cheongryu Gugok shows a case where the gugok culture, which has been enjoyed as a model of the Neo-Confucianism culture and bedrock scenery, such as waterfall, riverside, pond, and flatland, following the beautiful valley, has been actually substituted, and is an outstanding scenery site as stated in a local map of Gokseong-hyeon in 1872 as "Samnam Jeil Amban Gyeryu Cheongryu-dong(三南第一巖盤溪流 淸流洞: Cheongryu-dong, the best rock mooring in the Samnam area)." Cheongryu Gugok, which is differentiated through the seasonal scenery and epigrams established on both land route and waterway, was probably established by the lead of Sun-tae Jeong(丁舜泰, ?~1916) and Byeong-sun Cho(曺秉順, 1876~1921) before 1916 during the Japanese colonization period. However, based on the fact that a number of Janggugiso of ancient sages, such as political activists, Buddhist leaders, and Neo-Confucian scholars, have been established, it is presumed to have been utilized as a hermit site and scenery site visited by masters from long ago. Cheongryu Gugok, which is formed on the rock floor of the bed rock of Dorimsa Valley, is formed in a total length of 1.2km and average gok(曲) length of 149m on a mountain type stream, which appears to be shorter compared to other gugoks in Korea. The rock writings of the three gugoks in Mt. Dongak, such as Cheongryu Gugok, which was the only one verified in the Jeonnam area, total 165 in number, which is determined to be the assembly place for the highest number of rock writings in the nation. In particular, a result of analyzing the rock writings in Cheongryu Gugok totaling 112 places showed 49pieces(43.8%) with the meaning of 'moral training' in epigram, 21pieces (18.8%) of human life, 16pieces(14.2%) of seasonal scenery, and 12pieces(10.6%) of Janggugiso such as Jangguchur, and the ratio occupied by poem verses appeared to be six cases(3.6%). Sweyeonmun(鎖烟門), which was the first gok of land route, and Jesiinganbyeolyucheon(除是人間別有天) which was the ninth gok of the waterway, corresponds to the Hongdanyeonse(虹斷烟鎖) of the first gok and Jesiinganbyeolyucheon of the ninth gok established in Jaecheon, Chungbuk by Se-hwa Park(朴世和, 1834~1910), which is inferred to be the name of Gugok having the same origin. In addition, the Daeeunbyeong(大隱屛) of the sixth gok. of land route corresponds to the Chu Hsi's Wuyi-Gugok of the seventh gok, which is acknowledged as the basis for Gugok Wollim, and the rock writings and stonework of 'Amseojae(巖棲齋)' and 'Pogyeongjae(抱經齋)' between the seventh gok and eighth gok is a trace comparable with Wuyi Jeongsa(武夷精舍) placed below Wuyi Gugok Eunbyeon-bong, which is understood to be the activity base of Cheongryu-dong of the Giho Sarim(畿湖士林). The rock writings in the Mt. Dongak area, including famous sayings by masters such as Sunsaeuhje(鮮史御帝, Emperor Gojong), Bogahyowoo(保家孝友, Emperor Gojong), Manchunmungywol(萬川明月, King Joengjo), Biryeobudong(非禮不動, Chongzhen Emperor of the Ming Dynasty)', Samusa(思無邪, Euijong of the Ming Dynasty), Baksechungpwoong(百世淸風, Chu Hsi), and Chungryususuk-Dongakpungkyung(淸流水石 動樂風景, Heungseon Daewongun) can be said to be a repository of semantic symbolic cultural scenery, instead of only expressing Confucian aesthetics. In addition, Cheongryu Gugok is noticeable with its feature as a cluster of cultural scenery of the three religions of Confucian-Buddhism-Taoism, where the Confucianism value system, Buddhist concept, and Taoist concept co-exists for mind training and cultivation. Cheongryu Gugok has a semantic feature and spatial character as a basis for history and cultural struggle for the Anti-Japan spirit that has been conceived during the process of establishing and utilizing the spirit of the learning, loyalty for the Emperor and expulsion of barbarians, and inspiration of Anti-Japan force, by inheriting the sense of Dotong(道統) of Neo-Confucianism by the Confucian scholar class at the end of the Joseon era that is represented by Ik-hyun Choi(崔益鉉, 1833~1906), Woo Jeon(田愚, 1841~1922), Woo-man Gi(奇宇萬, 1846~1916), Byung-sun Song(宋秉璿, 1836~1905), and Hyeon Hwang(黃玹, 1855~1910).



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