A Study on the comparison on Adsorption characteristics of Zeolite and DETOX for the removal of H2S

H2S 제거를 위한 Zeolite와 DETOX의 흡착 특성 비교 연구

  • Park, Dae-Seok (Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University) ;
  • Lim, Ji-Young (Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University) ;
  • Cho, Young-Gun (Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University) ;
  • Song, Seung-Jun (Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Han (School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University)
  • 박대석 (인천대학교 건설환경공학과) ;
  • 임지영 (인천대학교 건설환경공학과) ;
  • 조영근 (인천대학교 건설환경공학과) ;
  • 송승준 (인천대학교 건설환경공학과) ;
  • 김진한 (인천대학교 도시환경공학부)
  • Received : 2014.03.11
  • Accepted : 2014.07.10
  • Published : 2014.07.31


This study examined the $H_2S$ removal characteristics, such as breakthrough time, adsorption capacity, and adsorption rate of adsorbents between Zeolite 3A and DETOX in terms of the $H_2S$ inflow concentration and adsorption temperature. The adsorption capacity of Zeolite 3A increased with increasing mass flow rate of hydrogen sulfide($H_2S$) inflow, but the breakthrough time decreased. On the other hand, both the adsorption capacity and breakthrough time of DETOX decreased with increasing mass flow rate of $H_2S$ inflow. The adsorption capacity and breakthrough time of Zeolite 3A decreased with increasing adsorption temperature but those of DETOX increased. The adsorption capacity of DETOX was higher than that of Zeolite 3A by a factor of 2.5 - 16.4 because the collision frequency that overcomes the activation energy barrier increased with increasing adsorption temperature. For Zeolite 3A and DETOX, the adsorption rate of $H_2S$ increased with increasing mass flow rate of $H_2S$ inflow and adsorption temperature. The adsorption rate of $H_2S$ for Zeolite 3A was 4 times as much as that for DETOX. For the removal of $H_2S$ in biogas, DETOX had an advantage over Zeolite 3A because DETOX had a much longer breakthrough time and greater adsorption capacity in the temperature range of 308~318K than Zeolite 3A.

본 연구는 흡착제 Zeolite 3A와 DETOX에 대하여 $H_2S$의 유입농도와 흡착온도를 공정변수로 하여 포화시간, 흡착량, 흡착속도 등의 $H_2S$ 흡착 제거특성을 평가하기 위하여 수행되었다. $H_2S$의 유입질량유속이 증가함에 따라 Zeolite 3A의 흡착용량은 증가되었으나 포화시간은 감소되었다. 한편 DETOX의 흡착용량과 포화시간은 $H_2S$의 유입질량유속의 증가에 따라 감소되었다. 흡착온도가 상승함에 따라 Zeolite 3A의 흡착용량과 포화시간은 감소한 반면에, DETOX에 대한 이들 값은 증가하였다. DETOX의 $H_2S$흡착용량은 Zeolite 3A의 2.5~16.4배 정도 높게 나타났다. 이는 흡착에서 활성화에너지장벽을 넘어설 충돌빈도는 흡착온도가 증가함에 따라 증가한 것에 기인한 것으로 해석된다. Zeolite 3A와 DETOX에 대하여 $H_2S$의 흡착속도는 $H_2S$의 유입질량유속과 흡착온도가 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. $H_2S$의 흡착속도는 Zeolite 3A가 DETOX의 4배로 나타났다. DETOX는 Zeolite 3A에 비하여 온도 308~318K에서 포화시간은 더욱 길어지고 흡착용량은 더욱 커진다. 바이오가스 중의 $H_2S$제거에 있어서 DETOX는 Zeolite 3A에 비하여 유리한 것으로 나타났다.



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