Comparison of Daylighting and Energy Performance According to Apartment Floor Shapes

아파트의 평면 형태에 따른 채광 및 에너지성능 비교

  • Received : 2013.10.31
  • Accepted : 2014.03.05
  • Published : 2014.03.25


The daylighting and energy performance is closely related to the unit floor planning determined by the floor shape. The aim of this paper has been to examine the difference of the daylight and energy performance on different floor types. In particular I have examined the effects of the apartment building facade outside each dwelling. To achieve this, we produced the simulation results of four floor unit planning in different shaped buildings(Flat-type, L-tower-type, Y-tower-type) used by ECOTECT and Daysim. The results show visually how DA and DF daylight level and energy consumption, i.e. heating and cooling loads are different according to the characteristics of apartment floor shapes. Moreover, this paper shows that is possible to predict the space condition by building shape factors.



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