Growth Chamber에서 철분코팅 벼 종자의 발아 및 유묘생육 특성

Effect of Iron-coated Seed on a Healthy Rice Seedling Raising Nursery in Machine Transplanting

  • Park, Kwang Ho (Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Kim, Yang Sik (Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries) ;
  • Chang, Jin Tack (Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries)
  • 발행 : 2014.08.20


Growth Chamber에서 철분코팅 벼종자와 무처리 볍씨의 발아 및 입묘 특성을 구명하기 위하여 유묘의 입모율, 경시적 입묘양상의 변화, 초장, 엽수, 근장, 근수, 생체중의 특성을 조사결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 입모율은 철분코팅 95%, 무처리 95%로 매우 높은 결과를 보였으며, 벼 출아소요일수는 출아가 13~14일 소요되는 것으로 나타났으며, 철분코팅볍씨가 무처리 볍씨보다 전반적으로 출아가 빠르게 나타났다. 2. 벼 유묘의 초장에서는 철분코팅볍씨 4.9cm, 무처리볍씨 3.4cm로, 엽수는 철분코팅볍씨 3.8개, 무처리볍씨 3.3개로 각각 나타났다. 3. 유묘의 뿌리 철분코팅볍씨 3.8cm로 무처리볍씨 0.4cm보다 9.5배 최장 뿌리 길이가 긴 것으로 나타났으나, 뿌리수는 철분코팅볍씨 6.8개, 무처리볍씨 5.5개로 비슷한 수준으로 나타났다. 4. 유묘의 생체중은 철분코팅볍씨 107mg, 무처리 볍씨 66mg로 각각 나타났다.

The experiment was conducted at the growth chamber to determine germination, seedling growth and fresh weight between the untreated control and iron-coated seeds in germination test of the rice seeds. There was of 95% germination in rice seeds regardless of treatments and days for seedling emergence was relatively 13-14days. Seedling height was 4.9cm of the iron-coated seeds but 0.4cm of the untreated control and there was 6.S roots of seedling in iron-coated seeds and 5.5 roots of seedling in the untreated control, respectively. The fresh weight of seedling was 107mg of the iron-coated seeds and 66mg of the untreated control at 35days after sowing.
