Non-isolated Bidirectional Soft-switching SEPIC/ZETA Converter with Reduced Ripple Currents

  • Received : 2013.12.14
  • Accepted : 2014.05.21
  • Published : 2014.07.20


A novel non-isolated bidirectional soft-switching SEPIC/ZETA converter with reduced ripple currents is proposed and characterized in this study. Two auxiliary switches and an inductor are added to the original bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA components to form a new direct power delivery path between input and output. The proposed converter can be operated in the forward SEPIC and reverse ZETA modes with reduced ripple currents and increased voltage gains attributed to the optimized selection of duty ratios. All switches in the proposed converter can be operated at zero-current-switching turn-on and/or turn-off through soft current commutation. Therefore, the switching and conduction losses of the proposed converter are considerably reduced compared with those of conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converters. The operation principles and characteristics of the proposed converter are analyzed in detail and verified by the simulation and experimental results.



Bidirectional DC–DC converters can manipulate bilateral power flow between two DC sources by using only a single-circuit structure. Therefore, the weight, volume, and cost of the overall system can be reduced by simplifying circuit composition [1]. These desirable features increased the use of bidirectional DC–DC converters in battery chargers/dischargers, fuel cell hybrid power systems, DC uninterruptible power supplies, and energy regenerative systems in automotive applications [2]-[9].

Non-isolated converters are simpler and more efficient than isolated converters and are thus preferred for use when galvanic isolation is unnecessary. The literature has reported on several non-isolated bidirectional DC–DC converters, such as bidirectional boost/buck-derived [10]-[13], Cuk [14], SEPIC/ZETA [15], multilevel [16], [17], and coupled-inductor type converters [18], [19]. Multiphase interleaved converters are often adopted to decrease voltage ripple and filter size by reducing the inductor current ripple components [20]-[22]. These converters can enhance circuit performance but may increase overall circuit system complexity. Control reliability may also deteriorate with increased interleaving phases.

Without using any interleaved techniques, unidirectional SEPIC and ZETA converters featuring reduced ripple currents have been proposed in [23], [24]. The converters consist of the original SEPIC or ZETA components in addition to an auxiliary diode and switch to form a new direct power delivery path between input and output. Inductor ripple currents and switching voltages of the main switch and diode can be reduced by shortening the duration of the original SEPIC or ZETA operation while extending the duration of the direct power link operation. However, these converters still possess hard-switching properties, and diodes particularly suffer from severe reverse recovery problem.

A new non-isolated bidirectional soft switching SEPIC/ZETA converter with reduced ripple currents is proposed to overcome these hard-switching problems. A small inductor is added to the auxiliary power delivery path, and diodes are replaced by active switches for bidirectional power flow control, as shown in the modified SEPIC topology in Fig. 1(a). With the use of a single-circuit structure, SEPIC and ZETA operations are implemented in the forward and reverse directions, respectively. Similar to the features of original bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converters, both step-up and step-down operations are available regardless of power conversion directions. A similar operation can be performed in the bilateral direction because of the duality between SEPIC and ZETA converters [23]–[25]. Through the use of constant frequency pulse-width modulation control, the proposed converter behaves in a manner similar to that of the original bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter when auxiliary switches are fully turned off. The converter can reduce inductor current ripples without employing interleaved methods. Thus, the DC resistive losses of inductors and capacitors, as well as the conduction and switching losses of switches, are reduced. The current rating of switches can be also reduced. Switches are operated at zero-current-switching (ZCS) turn-on and turn-off through soft current commutation between switches. Synchronous rectification and zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) are also achieved for synchronous rectifiers. Consequently, the overall power conversion efficiency of the proposed converter can be considerably increased compared with that of the original non-isolated bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter.

Fig. 1.Unidirectional (a) SEPIC and (b) ZETA converters with reduced ripple currents.



A. Circuit Structure

The proposed converter can be divided into two parts, as shown in Fig. 2. The first part is the original non-isolated bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter consisting of inductors L1 and L2, capacitors Cin, Cs, and Co, and switches S1 and S2. The second part is an additional circuit consisting of switches S3 and S4, as well as an inductor La. The additional circuit provides a new direct power delivery path between input and output. SEPIC and ZETA operations are implemented in the forward and reverse directions, respectively.

In SEPIC operation, S1 acts as the main switch, S2 is the synchronous rectifier, whereas S3 and S4 are the auxiliary switches. In ZETA operation, S1 conducts for the synchronous rectifier, S2 is the main switch, whereas and S3 and S4 are the auxiliary switches. La induces the soft current transition between switches.

Fig. 2.Circuit structure of the proposed converter.

B. Mode Analysis

In the proposed converter, La is considerably smaller than L1 and L2. Therefore, following basic operation analysis ignores the effect of La and treats the proposed converter as a conventional hard-switching converter to simplify the analysis. The proposed converter has three distinct operation modes in SEPIC and ZETA operations during each switching cycle. The operation waveforms for the forward SEPIC mode are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.SEPIC operation waveforms of the proposed converter in (a) step-up and (b) step-down operations.

Mode 1 [t0–t1]: From t0 to t1, only S1 conducts while the other switches are idle. The average inductor voltage is zero at steady state. Thus, the voltage of Cs is equal to the input voltage Vin[26]. Voltages across L1 (vL1) and L2 (vL2) are both equal to Vin. Currents through L1 (iL1) and L2 (iL2) increase with slopes of Vin/L1 and Vin/L2, respectively. The current flowing through S1 (iS1) is the sum of iL1 and iL2. The drain-source voltages of S1 (vS1) and S2 (vS2) are 0 V and Vin+ Vo, respectively, where Vo is output voltage. At the beginning of this mode, the capacitor charging current flows from the Vo terminal to S1 through the output capacitor of S3 and the body diode of S4. Therefore, the drain-source voltages of S3 (vS3) and S4 (vS4) become Vo and 0 V, respectively. S4 should then be switched off after t0 to satisfy the continuity of inductor currents.

Mode 2 [t1–t2]: From t1 to t2, only S2 conducts and the other switches are idle. The source voltage of S2 is Vo. Thus, vL1 and vL2 are both –Vo. iL1 and iL2 decrease with slopes of –Vo/L1 and –Vo/L2, respectively. The current through S2 (iS2) is the sum of iL1 and iL2. At the beginning of this mode, the voltage difference between the drain voltage of S1 (Vin+Vo) and the Vo terminal induces capacitor charging current to flow through the auxiliary current path. Assuming that output capacitances of S3 and S4 are the same, the voltage difference equally charges the output capacitors of S3 and S4 through Vin/2. Simultaneously, vS3, which was Vo in the former Mode 1, also equally charges the output capacitors of S3 and S4. Given the charging polarities, the overall vS3 and vS4 respectively become (–Vin+Vo)/2 and (Vin+Vo)/2 in the step-up operation and 0 V and Vin in the step-down operation.

S2 can be switched on after t1 and switched off before t2. Thus, synchronous rectification and ZVS can be achieved.

Mode 3 [t2–t0']: Between t2 and t0', S3 and S4 conduct, whereas S1 and S2 do not conduct. This mode is added to the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter to provide an additional power delivery path between input and output. This path enhances the performance of the proposed converter. As vS1 is Vo, vS2 becomes Vin. Therefore, both vL1 and vL2 are Vin–Vo, and both vS3 and vS4 are 0 V. iL1 and iL2 have slopes of (Vin–Vo)/L1 and (Vin–Vo)/L2, respectively. These slope change values of inductors are considerably smaller than those of inductors in previous modes. Consequently, inductor ripple currents can be considerably reduced. The current through S3 and S4 (iLa) is the sum of iL1 and iL2. Therefore, iL1, iL2, and iLa have negative slopes during the step-up operation but positive slopes during the step-down operation. S3 should be switched off before t0' to prevent the reverse short current from the Vo terminal to ground through the auxiliary current path and S1.

Reverse ZETA operation waveforms are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.ZETA operation waveforms of the proposed converter in (a) step-up and (b) step-down operations.

The negative polarity of iL1 and iL2 indicates reverse power flow in ZETA operation. The principle of the ZETA operation of the proposed converter is similar to that of the SEPIC operation because of the duality between SEPIC and ZETA converters. Therefore, the specific analysis for ZETA operation is omitted in this study.

C. Conversion Ratio

By using the voltage-time balance principle and assuming 100% power conversion efficiency, we can determine the voltage and current conversion ratios of the proposed converter as

where Iin and Io refer to input and output currents, respectively; and tS1 and tS2 correspond to the duration of S1 and S2, respectively. Switching duty ratios d1 and d2 are given by d1 = tS1/T and d2 = tS2/T, where T is repeated switching period; d1 must be larger than d2 to increase output voltage and vice versa. The power conversion efficiency of the proposed converter increases as d1 and d2 become smaller because the low ripple current effect of Mode 3 can be maximized with considerably reduced overall circulation currents. As a result, conduction and switching losses of switches and DC resistive losses of inductors and capacitors can be reduced.



Useful design parameters are presented in this section. La is ignored to simplify the design. To maximize the ripple reduction effect of the proposed converter, d1 and d2 should be minimized, whereas d3 has to be maximized. In this work, d3 (=1–d1–d2) denotes the duty ratio of S3 and S4. In SEPIC operation, duty ratios can be determined as

In ZETA operation, duty ratios are determined by

where M is voltage conversion ratio defined in (1).

For the proposed converter, inductor ripple current reaches the maximum value between Vind1T/L and Vod2T/L, where L is L1 or L2. This formula can be also applied to conventional SEPIC converters. However, the ripple value in the proposed converter is smaller than that of the conventional SEPIC converter because of the reduction in d1 and d2. The inflection points of inductor currents, such as iL1(t0), iL1(t1), iL1(t2), iL2(t0), iL2(t1), and iL2(t2) (Fig. 3), are defined as I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6, respectively. These currents are related to one another as follows:

The average of iL1 is equal to Iin as

By substituting (4) into (6) and using (1), I1 is obtained by

The charge balance of Cs states is as follows:

Substituting (4) and (5) into (8) and using (1) and (7), I4 is obtained by

All other inflection values in (4) and (5) can be determined by using (7) and (9). For the ZETA operation, the same method can be applied to derive the inflection points of inductor currents. Given these values, other design parameters, such as inductor average currents, switch peak and root-mean-square (rms) currents, capacitor ripple voltages, and rms currents, can be determined through simple algebra. Typical capacitor currents of the proposed converter in step-up mode are shown in Fig. 5, where iCin, iCo, and iCs are currents of Cin, Co, and Cs, respectively. To calculate the capacitor ripple voltage, the capacitor charge can be obtained from the local maximum area enclosed by the capacitor current and time axis, and then divided into its capacitance such as Cin, Co, or Cs. The capacitor ripple voltage can have several different values according to the operating conditions. The major design parameters of the proposed converter are summarized in Table I. The detailed derivations are omitted to save the space in this paper.

Fig. 5.Typical capacitor currents of the proposed converter in step-up mode (a) iCin, (b) iCo, and (c) iCs.




An equivalent circuit for the proposed converter containing resistive elements of inductors and switches is shown in Fig. 6. rL1 and rL2 represent the equivalent series resistance of L1 and L2, respectively. rS1, rS2, rS3, and rS4 denote the on-state drain-source resistance of S1, S2, S3, and S4, respectively. The conversion ratio and efficiency, with the resistive loss elements included, can be determined by using the methodology in [27]. The conversion ratio and efficiency of the proposed converter’s forward SEPIC operation can be derived as follows: Because the average inductor voltage is zero, the average voltage of Cs (VCs) is obtained by

Fig. 6.Equivalent circuit of proposed converter containing resistive elements of inductors and switches.

where IL1 and IL2 are the average values of iL1 and iL2 over one switching period, respectively, at steady state. When S1 is turned on and the others are turned off, the average values of vL1, vL2, iCo, and iCs are given by

where R denotes load resistance. When S2 is turned on and the others are turned off, the average values of vL1, vL2, iCo, and iCs are obtained as

When S3 and S4 are turned on and the others are idle, the average values of vL1, vL2, iCo, and iCs are given as

By applying ampere-time balance on Co and Cs, the following equations are obtained:

Substituting (12), (15), and (18) into (20), IL1+IL2 is given by

Substituting (13), (16), and (19) into (21), IL2 is related with IL1 as follows:

Substituting (23) into (22), IL1 and IL2 are obtained as

By using the voltage-time balance principle on L1,

By substituting (11), (14), (17), (24), and (25) into (26), the actual voltage gain is given by

Efficiency is obtained by

The conversion ratio and efficiency of the reverse ZETA operation of the proposed converter can be also derived by using the same procedure as above. The results are summarized, and the actual voltage gain for the ZETA operation is given by

Efficiency is given as

The actual conversion ratio and efficiency of the conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter can be obtained by removing the auxiliary current paths; thus, d3 = 0 and d2 = 1–d1. For a forward SEPIC operation of the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter, the actual voltage conversion ratio is obtained as

Efficiency is given by

For a reverse ZETA operation of the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter, the actual voltage conversion ratio is obtained as

Efficiency is derived by

To compare the actual voltage gains between the proposed converter and the conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter, the following values of resistance are assumed and substituted into (27), (29), (31), and (33):

The actual voltage gains calculated for the proposed converter and conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter in step-up and step-down modes are shown in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), respectively. In the proposed converter, the selected duty ratio of the synchronous rectifier (d2 and d1 for SEPIC and ZETA operations, respectively) is as small as 0.1 for the step-up mode. For the step-down mode, the selected duty ratio of the main switch (d1 for SEPIC operation and d2 for ZETA operation) is sufficiently small by 0.1. These values are not dependent on the other duty ratios in contrast to the values of the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter. As a result of such design freedom, the voltage gains of the proposed converter in both the step-up and step-down modes can be higher than those of the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter at the same duty ratio. The duty ratios d1 and d2 can also be widely ranged in the proposed converter than in the conventional one.

Fig. 7.Calculated voltage gains of the proposed converter and the conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter in (a) step-up and (b) step-down modes.

The efficiencies of the proposed and conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converters are calculated, assuming the following parameters:

Substituting these parameters into (28), (30), (32), and (34), the calculated efficiencies are plotted in Fig. 8. The proposed converter is more efficient than the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter, particularly in a higher power range, because it optimized selection of duty ratios is possible with respect to the conversion ratio.

Fig. 8.Calculated efficiencies of the proposed converter and the conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter in (a) step-up and (b) step-down modes.



The proposed converter has been treated as a hard switched type for simple analysis. However, the converter has soft-switching features because of the small inductor La on the auxiliary current path. The soft current commutation aspect of the proposed converter in SEPIC operation mode is shown in Fig. 9. As mentioned in the analysis of Section II, S4 is turned off after t0 at the beginning of Mode 1. During this overlapped time between S1 and S4, the sum of iL1 and iL2 equals the sum of iS1 and iLa. The voltage of La becomes –Vo and iL1+iL2 can be assumed constant during this short time interval; thus,

Therefore, S3 and S4 are switched off with the current slope of –Vo/La, and S1 is switched on with the current slope of Vo/La. This soft current commutation takes the time of LaILa(t0)/Vo; thus, S4 should be turned off after this time interval for soft switching. This commutation time should be shorter than the duration of the main switch to achieve ZCS; thus,

A similar phenomenon occurs at the beginning of Mode 3. After turning on S3 and S4, the sum of inductor currents iL1+iL2 is distributed to the S2 and auxiliary current path through S3 and S4. During this commutation time, iL1+iL2 can be assumed constant and the voltage of La becomes Vin; therefore,

S2 is turned off with the current slope of –Vin/La and thus the diode reverse recovery problem is alleviated. S3 and S4 are turned on with the current slope of Vin/La. This commutation process takes the time of LaILa(t2)/Vin. S2 should be turned off before t2 for soft switching. This commutation time should be shorter than the duration of auxiliary switches to achieve ZCS; thus,

In summary, small inductor La induces soft current commutation between switches on the auxiliary current path and thereby achieves ZCS of all switches. The ZETA operation mode can accomplish the same in the proposed converter. Apart from the ZCS effect, ZVS turn-on and turn-off are also achieved at synchronous rectifiers, which are S2 in SEPIC and S1 in ZETA modes, respectively.

Fig. 9.Soft current commutation of the proposed converter in SEPIC operation.



A forward SEPIC operation of step-down case (from 21 V to 17.3 V) and a reverse ZETA operation of step-up case (from 14 V to 17.3 V) are simulated to verify the operation of the proposed converter. The electric specifications are as follows: Output power Po = 320 W and switching frequency fs = 100 kHz. To obtain 10% and 50% ripples of iL1 and iL2, respectively, the inductors are selected by L1 = L2 = 30 μH. For the ripple voltages of Cin (⊿vin) and Co (⊿vo) to reach 1% and that of Cs (⊿vCs) to reach 2%, the capacitors are chosen by Cin = 33 μF, Cs = 235 μF, and Co = 440 μF, respectively. These inductors and capacitors are determined by formulas in Table I, with the actual switching duty ratios considered. La is set at 220 nH for the soft current commutation time of 200 ns, with S1–S4 = IPP110N20N3 (200 V, 88 A, 10.7 mΩ). In the simulation, a damping resistor of 50 Ω is added parallel to La to attenuate parasitic oscillations occurring from La and the output capacitances of the switches. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 10. Soft current commutation between the switches and ZCS turn on and/or turn off of switches are observed. With proper gating control, ZVS turn-on and turn-off, and synchronous rectifications are achieved in S2 and S1 for SEPIC and ZETA operations, respectively. The inductor current ripples are also highly reduced because the conduction time of the main switch and synchronous rectifier considerably decreased, thereby reducing the DC resistive losses of inductors and capacitors as well as the conduction and switching losses of switches.

A prototype circuit of the proposed converter (Fig. 11) is built to verify the performance of the proposed converter. The electric specifications and circuit component values are the same with simulation. For a fair comparison between the proposed converter and the conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter, several experimental waveforms, such as inductor currents (iL1, iL2), switch currents (iS1, iS2, iLa), and switch voltages (vS1, vS2, vS3, vS4), are measured under the same electric specifications and circuit parameters. These waveforms are shown in Figs. 12 and 13 for SEPIC step-down operation (from 21 V to 17.3 V) and shown in Figs. 14 and 15 for ZETA step-up operation (from 14 V to 17.3 V). Negative current polarity in ZETA operation indicates reverse power flow. In SEPIC operation, the inductor ripple current of the proposed converter (2.19 A) is reduced by 47% compared with that of the conventional converter (4.14 A). In ZETA operation, the inductor ripple current is reduced by 32% from the conventional SEPIC/ZETA (3.33 A) to the proposed converter (2.25 A). For the proposed converter, soft current commutations between switches are confirmed and all switches achieved good ZCS property. In contrast, the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter showed hard-switching behavior. Based on the measured switching voltages and currents, the switching and conduction losses of switches are calculated in reference to [26]. The switching loss Psw is given as

Fig. 10.Simulation results of the proposed converter in (a) SEPIC step-down and (b) ZETA step-up operations.

where Won and Woff are energy lost during switching turn-on and turn-off transients, respectively, given by

where Vp and Ip are the switching peak voltage and current during switching transients, respectively; and ton and toff are the time length of switching turn-on and turn-off transients, respectively. Conduction loss Pcond is given by

where Is,rms is rms current of switch in Table I, and rs is on state drain-source resistance. Assuming ton and toff are both 50 ns, the switch losses of the proposed and conventional converters are obtained in Table II. As a result, the overall conduction and switching losses of the proposed converter are lower by 41% than those of the conventional SEPIC/ZETA converter.

Fig. 11.Prototype circuit of the proposed converter.

Fig. 12.Measured waveforms of the proposed converter in SEPIC step-down mode (a) iL1 and iL2, (b) iS1, iS2 and iLa, (c) iS1 and vS1, (d) iS2 and vS2, and (e) iLa, vS3, and vS4.

Large voltage spikes are observed at switching turn-off transient in the voltage measurements of both proposed and conventional SEPIC/ZETA converters. The voltage spikes are caused by unclamped parasitic inductances of hardwired connectors in series with switches in prototype circuit that was built in breadboard. To eliminate these voltage spikes, the power stack has to be redesigned to reduce the series inductance, or certain snubber circuits, such as the RC voltage snubber in [28], are required to suppress them. However, such options are not considered in these experiments because the focus is on the performance comparison between the proposed and conventional converters. Nonetheless, when a properly designed RC voltage snubber is applied to the circuit, the voltage spike during turn-off transient would be effectively reduced, with efficiency dropping below 1%. To measure the switch currents iS1 and iS2, iS1+iS2 is used instead of individual iS1 and iS2. To place a current probe, an artificial wire should be inserted in series with switch. The artificial wire’s small inductance induces unwanted parasitic oscillation with parasitic capacitances of circuit components and causes a high voltage spike during switching turn-off transient. These effects can be avoided by extracting switch currents iS1 and iS2 using the mathematical functions of oscilloscope, such as sum and subtraction, i.e., iS1 + iS2 = iL1 + iL2 – iLa. In iS1 + iS2, iS1 and iS2 are easily distinguished from the current slope change.


Fig. 13.Measured waveforms of the conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter in SEPIC step-down mode (a) iL1 and iL2 and (b) iS1, iS2, vS1, and vS2.

Fig. 14.Measured waveforms of the proposed converter in ZETA step-up mode (a) iL1 and iL2, (b) iS1, iS2 and iLa, (c) iS2 and vS2, (d) iS1 and vS1, and (e) iLa, vS3, and vS4.

Fig. 15.Measured waveforms of the conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converter in ZETA step-up mode (a) iL1 and iL2 and (b) iS1, iS2, vS1, and vS2.

Fig. 16.Measured and calculated efficiencies of the proposed and conventional bidirectional SEPIC/ZETA converters.

The measured efficiencies of the two converters are shown as black lines in Fig. 16. The average efficiency of the proposed converter is 5% higher than that of the conventional converter. The efficiency difference between the two converters is proportional to output power because of the increased conduction and switching losses of the circuit components in high current range. The thermal design for heat radiation of the switches and inductors is not considered in this prototype circuit because of laboratory limitations. The efficiency curve rapidly decreases in values in the high power range. Assuming that a proper thermal design is implemented and thus efficiency degradation from thermal-related issues are nonexistent, the ideal efficiency curve can be expected through loss analysis, including switching and conduction losses of switches and DC resistive losses of inductors. Switch losses can be calculated using (39), (40), and (41). DC resistive losses of inductors, PL, are determined by

where IL,rms is rms current of inductor in Table I and rL is DC resistance of inductors of 5 mΩ, shown as gray lines in Fig. 16. At Po = 650 W, the ideal calculated efficiency of the proposed converter is 3.5% higher than measured one.



A new non-isolated bidirectional soft switching SEPIC/ZETA converter that can reduce ripple currents in inductors is studied. The proposed converter has the following advantages:


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Cited by

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  2. A Family of Zero-Voltage-Switching Magnetic Coupling Nonisolated Bidirectional DC–DC Converters vol.64, pp.8, 2017,
  3. Three-Level SEPIC with Improved Efficiency and Balanced Capacitor Voltages vol.16, pp.2, 2016,
  4. Design of Parallel-Operated SEPIC Converters Using Coupled Inductor for Load-Sharing vol.15, pp.2, 2015,
  5. An assessment on performance of DC–DC converters for renewable energy applications vol.58, 2016,
  6. Implementation of zero voltage switched SEPIC/ZETA bidirectional converter for low power applications using FPGA vol.25, pp.13036203, 2017,