Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in a Layer House

  • Kilic, Ilker (Biosystems Engineering Department, Agriculture Faculty, Uludag University) ;
  • Yaslioglu, Erkan (Biosystems Engineering Department, Agriculture Faculty, Uludag University)
  • Received : 2014.01.12
  • Accepted : 2014.03.27
  • Published : 2014.08.01


Higher concentrations of ammonia ($NH_3$) and carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) in animal barns can negatively affect production and health of animals and workers. This paper focuses on measurements of summer concentrations of ammonia ($NH_3$) and carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) in a naturally ventilated laying henhouse located at an egg production facility in Bursa region, western Turkey. Also, indoor and ambient environmental conditions such as temperature and relative humidity were measured simultaneously with pollutant gas concentrations. The average $NH_3$ concentrations during summer of 2013 was 8.05 ppm for exhaust and 5.42 ppm for inlet while average $CO_2$ concentration was 732 ppm for exhaust and 625 ppm for inlet throughout summer. The overall minimum, average and maximum values and humidity were obtained as $16.8^{\circ}C$, $24.72^{\circ}C$, and $34.71^{\circ}C$ for indoor temperature and 33.64%, 63.71%, and 86.18% for relative humidity. The lowest exhaust concentrations for $NH_3$ and $CO_2$ were 6.98 ppm and 609 ppm, respectively. They were measured in early morning at the maximum diurnal ventilation rate in July 2013 and August 2013. The highest concentrations were 10.58 ppm for $NH_3$ and 904 ppm for $CO_2$ recorded in the afternoon when the ventilation rate was the lowest in June 2013.



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