Polymorphism, Expression of Natural Resistance-associated Macrophage Protein 1 Encoding Gene (NRAMP1) and Its Association with Immune Traits in Pigs

  • Ding, Xiaoling (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University) ;
  • Zhang, Xiaodong (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University) ;
  • Yang, Yong (Anhui Antai Pig Breeding Co., LTD.) ;
  • Ding, Yueyun (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University) ;
  • Xue, Weiwei (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University) ;
  • Meng, Yun (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University) ;
  • Zhu, Weihua (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University) ;
  • Yin, Zongjun (College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University)
  • 투고 : 2014.01.08
  • 심사 : 2014.04.14
  • 발행 : 2014.08.01


Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 encoding gene (NRAMP1) plays an important role in immune response against intracellular pathogens. To evaluate the effects of NRAMP1 gene on immune capacity in pigs, tissue expression of NRAMP1 mRNA was observed by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the results revealed NRAMP1 expressed widely in nine tissues. One single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.130 C>T) in exon1 and one SNP (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.657 A>G) in intron1 region of porcine NRAMP1 gene were demonstrated by DNA sequencing and PCR-RFLP analysis. A further analysis of SNP genotypes associated with immune traits including contain of white blood cell (WBC), granulocyte, lymphocyte, monocyte (MO), rate of cytotoxin in monocyte (MC) and $CD4^-CD8^+$ T lymphocyte subpopulations in blood was carried out in four pig populations including Large White and three Chinese indigenous breeds (Wannan Black, Huai pig and Wei pig). The results showed that the SNP (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.130 C>T) was significantly associated with level of WBC % (p = 0.031), MO% (p = 0.024), MC% (p = 0.013) and $CD4^-CD8^+$ T lymphocyte (p = 0.023). The other SNP (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.657 A>G) was significantly associated with the level of MO% (p = 0.012), MC% (p = 0.019) and $CD4^-CD8^+$ T lymphocyte (p = 0.037). These results indicate that the NRAMP1 gene can be regarded as a molecular marker for genetic selection of disease susceptibility in pig breeding.



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