GSTT1 is Deregulated in Left Colon Tumors

  • Coskunpinar, Ender (Department of Molecular Medicine, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Istanbul University) ;
  • Canbay, Emel (Kocaeli-Derince Education and Research Hospital) ;
  • Oltulu, Yasemin Musteri (Department of Molecular Medicine, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Istanbul University) ;
  • Tiryakioglu, Necip Ozan (Department of Molecular Medicine, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Istanbul University) ;
  • Bugra, Dursun (American Hospital, General Surgery Clinic)
  • 발행 : 2014.03.01


Our aim was to determine GSTT1 expression levels in left colon tumors and paired normal tissue in order to identify specific alterations in GSTT1 mRNA levels. Alterations in GSTT1 expression in twenty-four left-sided colon tumors and paired cancer free tissue were determined by qRT-PCR. Significant fold changes were determined with t-test. When compared with cancer free tissue, left colon cancers showed a significant decrease in GSTT1 expression. However, GSTT1 mRNA levels among different grades increased gradually in correlation with tumor grade. Our results suggest that downregulation of GSTT1 in left-sided colon cancers is an early event and is reversed with cancer progression, probably due to cellular defense mechanisms as a response to changes in the microenvironment.



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