Open and Short Circuit Switches Fault Detection of Voltage Source Inverter Using Spectrogram

  • Ahmad, N.S. (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Uni.Tek.Malaysia) ;
  • Abdullah, A.R. (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Uni.Tek.Malaysia) ;
  • Bahari, N. (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Uni.Tek.Malaysia)
  • Received : 2014.04.21
  • Accepted : 2014.04.23
  • Published : 2014.06.01


In the last years, fault problem in power electronics has been more and more investigated both from theoretical and practical point of view. The fault problem can cause equipment failure, data and economical losses. And the analyze system require to ensure fault problem and also rectify failures. The current errors on these faults are applied for identified type of faults. This paper presents technique to detection and identification faults in three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) by using time-frequency distribution (TFD). TFD capable represent time frequency representation (TFR) in temporal and spectral information. Based on TFR, signal parameters are calculated such as instantaneous average current, instantaneous root mean square current, instantaneous fundamental root mean square current and, instantaneous total current waveform distortion. From on results, the detection of VSI faults could be determined based on characteristic of parameter estimation. And also concluded that the fault detection is capable of identifying the type of inverter fault and can reduce cost maintenance.



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