Exploratory Study of Factors Affecting Continuity of Cancer Care: Iranian Women's Perceptions

  • Fouladi, Nasrin (Department of Community Medicine, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Ali-Mohammadi, Hossein (Department of Basic Science, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Pourfarzi, Farhad (Department of Community Medicine, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences) ;
  • Homaunfar, Nasrin (Faculty of Nursing, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences)
  • 발행 : 2014.01.15


Background: Today, breast cancer is increasing in nearly all societies. Currently, cancers are the third leading cause of death in Iran after cardiovascular diseases and accidents. Of the cancers, breast cancer is spreading particularly rapidly among Iranian women. Negative effects of discontinuation of care on patient survival have been well documented. Inhibiting or facilitating factors affecting continuity of care at different stages of the patient care continuum should be identified. Materials and Methods: The current study implemented a qualitative method that provided tools to examine factors in detail. This study was conducted on 22 women, undergoing surgery and chemotherapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Content analysis was the technique adopted. Results: The effective factors in continuity of care from the patients' perception, based on the participant statements, were classified into three categories of evaluation of symptoms, psychological reactions, and care triggers with several subcategories. Conclusions: According to the outcomes of the current study, it can be noted that, the patient experiences can be brought into use by health-care professionals and assist them in providing patient sand their families with adequate consulting services. It can also provide an opportunity for making interventions tailored to the community culture, and closer adherence of patients to the prescribed treatments.



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