• Van Den Berghe, S. (SCK.CEN, Nuclear Materials Science Institute (NMS)) ;
  • Lemoine, P. (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, CEA Saclay, Direction de l'Energie Nucleaire (DEN))
  • 투고 : 2014.02.22
  • 발행 : 2014.04.25


This review aims to provide a synthesis of the knowledge generated and the lessons learned in roughly 15 years of UMo dispersion fuel R&D in Europe through a series of irradiation experiments. A lot of irradiations were also performed outside of Europe, particularly in the USA, Russia, Canada, Korea and Argentina. In addition, a large number of out-of-pile investigations were done throughout the world, providing support to the understanding of the phenomena governing the UMo behaviour in pile. However, the focus of this article will be on the irradiations and Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE) results obtained in European experiments. The introduction of the article provides a historic overview of the evolution and progress in the high density UMo dispersion fuel development. The ensuing sections then provide further details on the various phases of the development, from the UMo dispersion in a pure Al matrix through the addition of Si to the matrix to address the interaction layer formation and finally to the more advanced solutions to the excessive swelling encountered in various experiments. This review was based only on published results or results that are currently in the process of being published.



  1. A. Travelli, "The United-States Reduced Enrichment Research And Test Reactor (Rertr) Program - Accomplishments, Plans, And Schedules", Transactions Of The American Nuclear Society, vol. 35 (NOV), pp. 564-566 (1980).
  2. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NUREG-1313 (1988).
  3. A. Travelli, "The RERTR program: a status report", 21st International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Sao Paulo, Brazil (1998).
  4. G. Hofman, M.K. Meyer, A.E. Ray, "Design of high density gamma-phase uranium alloys for LEU dispersion fuel applications", 21st International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Sao Paulo, Brazil (1998).
  5. G.L. Hofman, L.A. Neimark, "Prospects for stable highdensity dispersion fuels", 10th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) Buenos Aires, Argentina (1987).
  6. G.L. Hofman, R.F. Domagala, G.L. Copeland, "Irradiation behavior of low-enriched U6Fe-Al dispersion fuel elements", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 150, pp. 238-243 (1987).
  7. M.K. Meyer, G.L. Hofman, J.L. Snelgrove, C.R. Clark, S.L. Hayes, R.V. Strain, J.-M. Park, K.-H. Kim, "Irradiation behavior of Uranium-Molybdenum dispersion fuel : fuel performance data from RERTR-1 and RERTR-2", 22nd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Budapest, Hungary (1999).
  8. M.K. Meyer, T.C. Wiencek, S.L. Hayes, G.L. Hofman, "Irradiation behavior of U6Mn-Al dispersion fuel elements", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 278, pp. 358-363 (2000).
  9. G.L. Hofman, M.K. Meyer, J.-M. Park, "Observations on the irradiation behavior of U-Mo alloy dispersion fuel", 23rd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Las Vegas, Nevada (2000).
  10. M.K. Meyer, G.L. Hofman, S.L. Hayes, C.R. Clark, T.C. Wiencek, J.L. Snelgrove, R.V. Strain, K.-H. Kim, "Lowtemperature irradiation behavior of uranium-molybdenum alloy dispersion fuel", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 304, pp. 221-236 (2002).
  11. J.L. Snelgrove, G.L. Hofman, M.K. Meyer, C.L. Trybus, T.C. Wiencek, "Developement of very-high-density lowenriched uranium fuels.", Nucl. Eng. Des., vol. 178, pp. 119-126 (1997).
  12. K.-H. Kim, J.-M. Park, C.-K. Kim, G.L. Hofman, M.K. Meyer, J.L. Snelgrove, "Stable in-reactor performances at low temperature of U-10 wt% Mo dispersion fuel containing centrifugally atomized powder", 22nd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Budapest, Hungary (1999).
  13. G.L. Hofman, M.K. Meyer, "Progress in irradiation performance of experimental uranium-molybdenum dispersion fuel", 24th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina (2002).
  14. M.K. Meyer, G.L. Hofman, R.V. Strain, C.R. Clark, J.R. Stuart, "Metallographic analysis of irradiated RERTR-3 fuel test specimens", 23rd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Las Vegas, Nevada (2000).
  15. K.H. Kim, J.M. Park, C.K. Kim, G.L. Hofman, M.K. Meyer, "Irradiation behavior of atomized U-10wt% Mo alloy aluminum matrix dispersion fuel meat at low temperature", Nucl. Eng. Des., vol. 211, pp. 229-235 (2002).
  16. F. Huet, V. Marelle, J. Noirot, P. Sacristan, P. Lemoine, "Full-sized plates irradiation with high UMo fuel loading - Final results of IRIS 1 experiment.", 25th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Chicago, Illinois (2003).
  17. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, E. Koonen, C. Jarousse, F. Huet, M. Trotabas, M. Boyard, S. Guillot, L. Sannen, M. Verwerft, "Post-irradiation examination of uranium-7wt% molybdenum atomized dispersion fuel.", 8th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Munich, Germany (2004).
  18. P. Lemoine, J.L. Snelgrove, N. Arkhangelsky, L. Alvarez, "UMo dispersion fuel results and status of qualification programs", 8th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Munich, Germany (2004).
  19. A.L. Izhutov, V.V. Alexandrov, N.G. Gataullin, A.Y. Novoselov, V.A. Starkov, G.V. Shevlyakov, A.A. Sheldyakov, V.Y. Shishin, I.V. Dobrikova, A.V. Vatulin, G.V. Kulakov, A.V. Morozov, "The irradiation test and preliminary PIE results of low enrichment U-Mo pin-type fuel", 27th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Boston, USA (2005).
  20. C.K. Kim, K.H. Kim, J.M. Park, D.S. Sohn, "Efforts to overcome the failure occuring in rod type U-Mo fuel irradiation test for Hanaro in Kaeri", 7th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management, Aix-en-Provence, France (2003).
  21. G.L. Hofman, Y.S. Kim, M.R. Finlay, J.L. Snelgrove, S.L. Hayes, M.K. Meyer, C.R. Clark, F. Huet, "Recent observations at the postirradiation examination of low-enriched UMo miniplates irradiated to high burnup", 25th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Chicago, Illinois (2003).
  22. G.L. Hofman, M.R. Finlay, Y.S. Kim, "Post-Irradiation Analysis of Low Enriched U-Mo/Al Dispersion Fuel Miniplate Tests, RERTR 4 & 5", 26th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Vienna, Austria (2004).
  23. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, E. Koonen, C. Jarousse, F. Huet, M. Trotabas, M. Boyard, S. Guillot, L. Sannen, M. Verwerft, "Post-irradiation examination of uranium-7wt% molybdenum atomized dispersion fuel.", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 335, pp. 39-47 (2004).
  24. S. Van den Berghe, W. Van Renterghem, A. Leenaers, "Transmission electron microscopy investigation of irradiated U-7wt%Mo dispersion fuel", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 375, pp. 340-346 (2008).
  25. H.J. Ryu, Y.S. Kim, G. Hofman, J. Rest, J.M. Park, C.K. Kim, "Radiation induced recrystallization of UMo fuel particles and radiaion induced amorphisation of interaction products in UMo/Al dispersion fuel", Mater. Sci. Forum, vol. 558-559, pp. 319-322 (2007).
  26. O.A. Golosov, V.B. Semerikov, S.G. Bogdanov, M.S. Lyutikova, "Small angle neutron scattering by U-9%Mo/Al dispersion fuel irradiated to high burnups", 29th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Prague, Czech Republic (2007).
  27. J. Gan, D.D. Keiser Jr, D.M. Wachs, A.B. Robinson, B.D. Miller, T.R. Allen, "TEM characterisation of irradiated RERTR dispersion fuel", 13th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Vienna, Austria (2009).
  28. A. Leenaers, C. Detavernier, S. Van den Berghe, "The effect of silicon on the interaction between metallic uranium and aluminum: a 50 year long diffusion experiment.", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 381, pp. 242-248 (2008).
  29. Y.S. Kim, G. Hofman, H.J. Ryu, J. Rest, "Thermodynamic and metallurgical considerations to stabilizing the interaction layers of U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel", 27th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Boston, USA (2005).
  30. G.L. Hofman, Y.S. Kim, H.J. Ryu, J. Rest, D.M. Wachs, M.R. Finlay, "Attempt to solve the instability in the irradiation behaviour of low enriched U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel", 10th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Sofia, Bulgaria (2006).
  31. D.D. Keiser, A.B. Robinson, D.E. Janney, J.F. Jue, "Results of recent Microstructural Characterization of Irradiated UMo Dispersion Fuels with Al Alloy Matrices that contain Si", 12th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Hamburg (Germany) (2008).
  32. J.L. Snelgrove, P. Lemoine, L. Alvarez, "High-density U-Mo fuels - latest results and reoriented qualification programs", 9th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel management (RRFM), Budapest, Hungary (2005).
  33. S. Dubois, J. Noirot, J.M. Gatt, M. Ripert, P. Lemoine, P. Boulcourt, "Comprehensive Overview of the IRIS Program: Irradiation Tests and PIE on High Density UMo/Al Dispersion Fuel", 11th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Lyon, France (2007).
  34. M. Ripert, S. Dubois, P. Boulcourt, S. Naury, P. Lemoine, "IRIS3 experiment - Status and result of thickness increases", 10th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Sofia, Bulgaria (2006).
  35. J.M. Hamy, P. Lemoine, F. Huet, C. Jarousse, J.L. Emin, "The French U-Mo group contribution to new LEU fuel development", 9th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Budapest, Hungary (2005).
  36. W. Petry, A. Rohrmoser, P. Boulcourt, A.Chabre, S. Dubois, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, J. Falgoux, S.v.d. Berghe, A. Leenaers, "UMo full size plate irradiation experiment IRISTUM - a progress report", 12th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Hamburg (Germany) (2008).
  37. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, M. Ripert, J. Noirot, P. Lemoine, A. Rohrmoser, W. Petry, "Irradiation Behavior of Atomized and Ground U(Mo) Dispersion Fuel", 30th International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research And Test Reactors, Washington, D.C. USA (2008).
  38. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, F. Charollais, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, A. Rohrmoser, W. Petry, "Microstructural Analysis of Ground U(Mo) Fuel with and without Si in the Matrix, Irradiated to High Burn-Up", 31st International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research And Test Reactors, Beijing, China (2009).
  39. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, F. Charollais, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, A. Rohrmoser, W. Petry, "EPMA of ground U(Mo) fuel with and without Si added to the matrix, irradiated to high burn up", 14th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Marrakech, Morocco (2010).
  40. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, W. Van Renterghem, F. Charollais, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, A. Rohrmoser, W. Petry, "Irradiation Behaviour of Ground U(Mo) fuel with and without Si added to the matrix", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 412, pp. 41-52 (2011).
  41. M. Ripert, V. Marelle, X. Iltis, H. Palancher, C. Valot, F. Charollais, M.C. Anselmet, X. Tiratay, P. Lemoine, S. Van den Berghe, A. Leenaers, C. Jarousse, "Synthetic review of the IRIS3 experiment", 15th International Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Rome, Italy (2011).
  42. Y.S. Kim, G.L. Hofman, P.G. Medvedev, G.V. Shevlyakov, A.B. Robinson, H.J. Ryu, "Post-irradiation Analysis and Performance Modeling of Dispersion and Monolithic UMo Fuels", 29th International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research And Test Reactors, Prague, Czech Republic (2007).
  43. G.L. Hofman, Y.S. Kim, H.J. Ryu, M.R. Finlay, D. Wachs, "Improved Irradiation Behavior of Uranium-Molybdenum /Aluminium Dispersion Fuel", 11th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Lyon, France (2007).
  44. Y.S. Kim, G. Hofman, A.B. Robinson, "Effect of Si addition in Al in U-Mo/Al dispersion plates: observations from side-by-side irradiations from RERTR-6, -7A, -9A and -9B", 13th International Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Vienna, Austria (2009).
  45. G.L. Hofman, Y.S. Kim, A.B. Robinson, "Method of Utilizing the Stabilizing Effect of Silicon in U-Mo/Al Dispersion Fuel and Minimum Si Addition Required for Given Operating Conditions", 31st International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research And Test Reactors, Beijing, China (2009).
  46. J.M. Park, H.J. Ryu, S.J. Oh, D.B. Lee, C.K. Kim, Y.S. Kim, G.L. Hofman, "Effect of Si and Zr on the interdiffusion of U-Mo alloy and Al", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 374 (3), pp. 422-430 (2008).
  47. J.M. Park, H.J. Ryu, J.H. Yang, Y.S. Lee, B.O. Yoo, Y.H. Jung, H.M. Kim, C.K. Kim, Y.S. Kim, G. Hofman, "KOMO-4 test PIE results", 32nd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Lisbon, Portugal (2010).
  48. E. Koonen, H. Guyon, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, D.M. Wachs, J. Stevens, "The LEONIDAS and US partnership for UMo dispersion fuel qualification", 31st International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research And Test Reactors, Beijing, China (2009).
  49. F. Frery, H. Guyon, E. Koonen, S. Van den Berghe, P. Lemoine, F. Charollais, C. Jarousse, D. Geslin, "LEONIDAS U(Mo) dispersion fuel qualification program : progress and prospects", 32nd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Lisbon, Portugal (2010).
  50. F. Charollais, P. Lemoine, Y. Calzavara, H. Guyon, E. Koonen, S. Van den Berghe, B. Stepnik, C. Jarousse, D. Geslin, "LEONIDAS U(Mo) Dispersion Fuel Qualification Program: Progress and Perspectives", 33rd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Santiago, Chile (2011).
  51. S. Van den Berghe, A. Leenaers, Y. Parthoens, "The EFUTURE experiment: Non-destructive PIE results", 33rd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Santiago, Chili (2011).
  52. A. Leenaers, J. Van Eyken, S. Van den Berghe, E. Koonen, F. Charollais, P. Lemoine, Y. Calzavara, H. Guyon, C. Jarousse, B. Stepnik, D. Wachs, A. Robinson, "LEONIDAS E-FUTURE : Results of the Destructive Analyses of the U(Mo)-Al(Si) Fuel Plates", 16th International Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Prague, Czech Republic (2012).
  53. S. Van den Berghe, Y. Parthoens, F. Charollais, Y.S. Kim, A. Leenaers, E. Koonen, V. Kuzminov, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, H. Guyon, D. Wachs, D. Keiser Jr, A. Robinson, J. Stevens, G. Hofman, "Swelling of U(Mo)-Al(Si) dispersion fuel under irradiation - Non-destructive analyses of the LEONIDAS E-FUTURE plates", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 430 (1-3), pp. 246-258 (2012).
  54. H. Palancher, X. Iltis, A. Bonnin, F. Charollais, P. Lemoine, S. Van den Berghe, A. Leenaers, E. Koonen, B. Stepnik, C. Jarousse, Y. Calzavara, H. Guyon, "LEONIDAS EFUTURE- II: Characteristics of the fresh fuel plates", 16th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Prague, Czech Republic (2012).
  55. B. Stepnik, M. Grasse, D. Geslin, C. Jarousse, F. Charollais, P. Lemoine, Y. Calzavara, H. Guyon, E. Koonen, S. Van den Berghe, "LEONIDAS UMo Dispersion Fuel Qualification Program: Progress And Perspectives; Highlight On The EFUTURE- II Fuel Plate Manufacturing", 16th International Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Prague, Czech Republic (2012).
  56. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, C. Detavernier, "AlSi matrices for U(Mo) dispersion fuel plates", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 439, pp. 7-18 (2013).
  57. M. Ripert, S. Dubois, J. Noirot, P. Boulcourt, P. Lemoine, S. Van den Berghe, A. Leenaers, A. Rohrmoser, W. Petry, C. Jarousse, "Overview on High Density UMo fuel in-pile experiments in OSIRIS", 12th International Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Hamburg (Germany) (2008).
  58. F. Charollais, M. Ripert, M.C. Anselmet, P. Boulcourt, X. Tiratay, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, "IRIS program: IRIS-4 first results", 13th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Vienna, Austria (2009).
  59. M. Ripert, F. Charollais, M.C. Anselmet, X. Tiratay, P. Lemoine, "Results of the IRIS4 irradiation in OSIRIS reactor: oxidised U-Mo particles dispersed in Al (with 0 or 2.1%Si)", 31st International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Beijing, China (2009).
  60. S. Van den Berghe, A. Leenaers, C. Detavernier, "SELENIUM Fuel : Surface Engineering of U(Mo) Particles to Optimise Fuel Performance", 14th International Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Marrakech, Marocco (2010).
  61. S. Van den Berghe, A. Leenaers, E. Koonen, L. Sannen, "From high to low enriched uranium fuel in research reactors", Adv. Sci. Techn., vol. 73, pp. 78-90 (2010).
  62. A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, C. Detavernier, "Surface Engineering of Low Enriched Uranium-Molybdenum", J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 440, pp. 220-228 (2013).
  63. A.L. Izhutov, V.V. Alexandrov, N. A.E., V.A. Starkov, V.E. Fedoseev, V.V. Pimenov, A.V. Sheldyakov, V.Y. Shishin, V.V. Yakovlev, I.V. Dobrikova, A.V. Vatulin, V.B. Suprun, K. G.V., "The main results of investigation of modified dispersion LEU U-Mo fuel tested in the MIR reactor", 32nd International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Lisbon, Portugal (2010).
  64. Y.S. Lee, E.K. Park, W.H. Cho, J.S. Park, Y.H. Yang, Y.J. Jeong, H.J. Ryu, J.M. Park, C.K. Kim, "Si Coating on atomized U-Mo particles as as barrier of U-Mo/Al interdiffusion", 15th International Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), Rome, Italy (2011).
  65. H.J. Ryu, J.S. Park, J.M. Park, C.K. Kim, "The effect of Si-layer coating on U-Mo vs Al interdiffusion", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, vol. 43 (2), pp. 159-166 (2011).
  66. H.J. Ryu, J.S. Park, J. Shim, Y. Lee, J.M. Park, C.K. Kim, "Fabrication of coated U-Mo powder and the effect of Si content on the interaction layer growth", 31st International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research And Test Reactors (RERTR), Beijing, China (2009).
  67. H.J. Ryu, J.M. Park, K.H. Lee, B.O. Yoo, Y.H. Jung, Y.J. Jeong, Y.S. Lee, "Post-Irradiation Examination of the KOMO-5 Irradiation Test for U-Mo Dispersion Fuels", 17th International Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM), St. Petersburgh, Russia (2013).
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피인용 문헌

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  2. Microstructural Evolution of the Interdiffusion Zone between U-9 Wt Pct Mo Fuel Alloy and Zr-1 Wt Pct Nb Cladding Alloy Upon Annealing vol.48, pp.6, 2017,