Pressure pain threshold and visual analogue scale changes in the high and low energy extracorporeal shock wave

  • Yang, You-Jin (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wonju Medical Center) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Joon (Medical Fitness Center, Jung Hospital) ;
  • Choi, Matthew (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Welfare, Sahmyook University)
  • 투고 : 2014.09.12
  • 심사 : 2014.11.21
  • 발행 : 2014.10.26


Objective: This study aims to investigate high energy and low energy extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) and which one is more effective for shoulder pain. Design: Single blind randomized controlled trial. Methods: Fifty two subjects with upper trapezius (UT) trigger point (TrP) participated in this study. They were allocated to high energy (n=26) and low energy group (n=26). This study applies ESWT and investigates the changes of pressure pain threshold (PPT) and visual analogue scale (VAS). The high and low energy groups received focused piezo electric type ESWT 4 Hz, 1,000 pulses and 0.351 and $0.092mJ/mm^2$ respectively. Outcome measures of PPT and pain was measured by algometer and pain VAS. These measurements were performed before and after treatment. Results: The PPT value was significantly increased in both groups after treatment (p<0.05) and VAS scores were significantly decreased after treatment in both groups (p<0.05). However, there were no significant differences between groups. Conclusions: ESWT is an effective treatment for the application of the UT TrP. Although there were significant effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on PPT and VAS scores, there were no signficant differences between high and low energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 다양한 자세에 따른 턱 당기기 운동이 목과 어깨의 근활성도에 미치는 영향 vol.18, pp.3, 2014,
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