Talipariti simile (Blume) Fryxell: 베트남 미기록종

Talipariti simile (Blume) Fryxell: a new record for Vietnam

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  • 박상홍 (한국생명공학연구원 해외생물소재센터) ;
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  • 이유미 (국립수목원) ;
  • 이중구 (한국생명공학연구원 해외생물소재센터)
  • Choudhary, Ritesh Kumar (Agharkar Research Institute, Botany Group) ;
  • Xuyen, Do Thi (VNU University of Science) ;
  • Bach, Tran The (Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Park, Sang-Hong (International Biological Material Research Center, Korea Research institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology) ;
  • Hai, Do Van (Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Lee, You-Mi (Korea National Arboretum) ;
  • Lee, Joongku (International Biological Material Research Center, Korea Research institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology)
  • 투고 : 2013.08.14
  • 심사 : 2013.11.14
  • 발행 : 2014.03.31


Talipariti simile (Blume) Fryxell (아욱과)을 베트남 미기록 종으로 처음으로 보고한다. 본 종은 줄기에 털이 없는 유사종인 T. macrophyllum (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Fryxell 와는 달리 줄기에 자색을 띠는 작은 털이 있으며, 탁엽은 피침상 타원형으로 크기가 작으며, 삭과는 난형이며 끝이 뾰족하지 않거나 부리모양이 아니다. 종 동정을 위한 분류학적 기재, 식물도해, 원색사진을 첨부하였다. 또한 유사 종들과의 비교를 위한 검색형질을 제시하였다.

Talipariti simile (Blume) Fryxell, Malvaceae is reported as new record from Vietnam. The plant can be differentiated from its allied species T. macrophyllum (Roxb. ex Hornem.) Fryxell in having glabrescent stems with purplish and smaller hairs, lanceolate-oblong and smaller stipules and ovoid capsules which are devoid of apicule or beaks. Taxonomic description, line drawing and color photographs have been provided to add to the species identification. Furthermore, comparison of the diagnostic characters between this species and the above mentioned related species is made.



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