전남지역 석탑의 출현과 특성

Beginning and Characteristics of Stone pagoda in Jeonnam Region

  • 투고 : 2013.12.12
  • 심사 : 2014.02.28
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


Formative and structural characteristics of stone pagoda in Jeonnam area are known in largely two flows. One is that characteristic of stone pagoda in Jeonnam area of the Unified Silla is shown in eastern Jeonnam and some southern Jeonnam. But it is not shown in surroundings of Yeongsan river. Another is that besides stone pagoda in Silla style where social aspects of Goryeo are reflected, stone pagoda in Baekje style appeared. On the other hand, stone brick pagoda and non-typical stone pagoda appeared. These stone pagodas were developed mainly in north and west of Jeonnam, and could be classified in pure Baekje style and a cross style according to formative and structural characteristics. Stone brick pagoda is extant in Wolnamsa site and Woonjusa in Chungcheong and Jella areas which are old places of Baekje.



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