Temperature transients of piston of a Camless S.I Engine using different combustion boundary condition treatments

  • Gill, KanwarJabar Singh (Department of Mechanical Engineering Gulzar Group of Institutes) ;
  • Singh, Khushpreet (Future Tech Design Consultants) ;
  • Cho, H.M. (Department of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Kongju National University) ;
  • Chauhan, Bhupendra Singh (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University)
  • Received : 2014.07.03
  • Accepted : 2014.09.14
  • Published : 2014.09.30


Simplified finite element model of spark ignition (SI) engine to analyse combustion heat transfer is presented. The model was discredited with 3D thermal elements of global length 5 mm. The fuel type is petrol. Internal nodal temperature of cylinder body is defined as 21000C to represent occurrence of gasoline combustion. Material information and isotropic material properties are taken from published report. The heat transfer analysis is done for the instant of combustion. The model is validated by comparing the computed maximum temperature at the piston surface with the published result. The computed temperature gradient at the crucial parts are plotted and discussed. It has been found that the critical top surface suffered from thermal and the materials used to construct the engine parts strongly influenced the temperature distribution in the engine. The model is capable to analyze heat transfer in the engine reasonably and efficiently.



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