아동성범죄 발생지의 3D 시뮬레이션을 이용한 물리적 환경 개선양상에 따른 범죄예방 효과분석

The Effects of Crime Prevention on the Improvement of the Physical Environment in Scene of Child Sex Offense by Using 3D Simulation

  • 투고 : 2013.10.25
  • 심사 : 2013.11.27
  • 발행 : 2014.02.25


This research progressed space evaluation test with 3D simulation for exterior space of detached housing area among the Seoul spaces of child sex offense in 2010. Based on changing analysis on natural surveillance by spatial changes of each physical element, the purpose is to suggest effective construction planning measure for preventing child sex offense. The results of research are as follows. First, natural surveillance of space's height differences and width differences were compared and analyzed. As the result, footpath shows that stairs of slope didn't make lots of effects on visual block, not block of spatial moving, because of the difference of stair height. Also, in case of parking space, visual connection with footpath is expanded when designing pilotis rather than heightening floor height, so activities of exterior people could be seen more easily. Therefore, natural surveillance was higher. Second, natural surveillance of architectural elements by changes of footpath' width was compared and analyzed. As the result, openness of footpath should be secured rather than openness of architectural element. And, planning autonomy of architectural form could be more expanded when securing openness of footpath.



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