땅강아지(Gryllotalpa orientalis Burmeister)의 실내 누대사육 기술개발

Development of continuous indoor rearing technique of mole cricket, Gryllotalpa orientalis Burmeister (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)

  • Park, Young-Kyu (Korea Beneficial Insects Lab. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Lee, Young-Bo (Division of Applied Entomology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA)
  • 투고 : 2014.09.29
  • 심사 : 2014.10.24
  • 발행 : 2014.10.31


본 연구는 땅강아지의 실내 증식기술 개발을 위해 2년 동안 수행되었다. 2013년 증식수는 $430.{\pm}20.0$ ($mean{\pm}SE$) 개체이었고 충태별로 2 ~ 3령이 $15.3{\pm}25.8$, 3 ~ 5령이 $28.8{\pm}24.0$, 6 ~ 8령이 $2.4{\pm}2.7$개체였다. 2014년의 증식수는 $43.5{\pm}31.0$ ($mean{\pm}SE$)개체이었고 충태별로 2 ~ 3령이 $25.8{\pm}25.6$, 3 ~ 5령이 $23.6{\pm}21.3$, 6 ~ 8령이 $2.9{\pm}2.3$개체였다. 실내사육용기의 증식성공률은 2013년과 2014년에 각각 46.9%와 50.0%로 조사되었다. 야외사육장에 암컷 25개체를 접종하였을 때 총 147개체가 증식되었고 실내 대형사육상에 암컷 100개체와 수컷 50개체를 접종하였을 때 총 78개체가 증식되었다. 야외사육장과 실내 대량사육장에서는 상토를 넣은 25 cm 깊이의 표층에서 전체 유충의 86.4%와 89.7%가 채집되었다.

The present study was conducted for two years to develop the indoor breeding system of mole cricket, Gryllotalpa orientalis Burmeister. In 2013, the total mean number of progenies was $430.{\pm}20.0$ ($mean{\pm}SE$); $15.3{\pm}25.8$ of 2nd-3rd instars, $28.8{\pm}24.0$ 3rd-5th and $2.4{\pm}2.7$ 6th-8th. In 2014, the rearing yielded similar result to that of 2013; $43.5{\pm}31.0$ in total with $25.8{\pm}25.6$ of 2nd-3rd instars, $23.6{\pm}21.3$ 3rd-5th and $2.9{\pm}2.3$ 6th-8th. The successful breeding rate using indoor cages was 46.9% in 2013 and 50.0% in 2014. In total 147 individuals were successfully reared in an outdoor rearing cage with 25 females released and 78 individuals in an indoor rearing cage with 100 females and 50 males released. 86.4% and 89.7% of the nymphs reared were collected within 25cm depth of the soil in the outdoor and indoor cage, respectively.



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