브랜드 애착과 지각된 심미성이 새로운 스마트폰에 대한 구매의도에 미치는 효과

Effects of Brand Attachment and Perceived Aesthetic on Intention to Purchase New Smartphone

  • 이웅규 (대구대학교 경상대학 경영학과) ;
  • 박진훈 (대구대학교 대학원 경영학과)
  • 투고 : 2014.09.30
  • 심사 : 2014.12.09
  • 발행 : 2014.12.30


Consumer's switching behavior from incumbent smartphone to new one can be explained by not merely rational assessment but also affective aspects like aesthetic or pleasure and emotional points like attachment. but, in information system field, researches on affective.emotional factors relatively were insufficient and researches which focus on the perspective of the consumer were more scarcity. consumer's attachment to current smartphone brand and perceived aesthetic on new one would influence rational evaluation to switch or not. Therefore, this study investigates relationship between emotional factors on current smartphone and assessment of new one, in turn, we empirically analyzes purchase intention of the consumer. In order to prove the validity of the hypotheses, this study was applied longitudinal study and then conduct a survey of 212 smartphone users. The analysis results by Partial Least Square (PLS) approach showed that all hypotheses in this study were statistically supported.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Roles of Brand Loyalty and Switching Costs in the Purchase of a New Smartphone vol.25, pp.1, 2016,