동대만 잘피밭에 서식하는 가시망둑(Pseudoblennius cottoides)의 성장과 생산량

Growth and Production of Pseudoblennius cottoides in an Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Bed of Dongdae Bay, Korea

  • Kim, Ha-Won (Environ-Ecological Engineering Institute co., Ltd.) ;
  • Huh, Sung-Hoi (Department of Oceanography, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kwak, Seok-Nam (Environ-Ecological Engineering Institute co., Ltd.) ;
  • Lee, In-Cheol (Department of Ocean Engineering, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2014.06.17
  • 심사 : 2014.10.28
  • 발행 : 2014.10.31


가시망둑(1.80~10.01 cm TL)의 성장과 생산량에 대한 연구를 동대만 잘피밭에서 2006년도에 실시하였다. 가시망둑 시료는 소형 빔트롤로 총 702개체를 채집하였다. 본 연구 결과, 가시망둑에 대한 전장(TL)의 성장식은 $TL=0.0539d^{0.9105}$, 전장과 체중의 관계식은 $W=0.0079TL^3.1103$이었다. 가시망둑의 단위면적당 밀도, 생체량, 일일생산량, 연간생산량은 각각 $0.06{\pm}0.062/m^2$, $0.10{\pm}0.144g/m^2$, $0.0005{\pm}0.0006g\;AFDW/m^2/day$, $0.1833g\;AFDW/m^2/year$이었으며, P/B의 비율은 1.813이었다. 가시망둑 생산량은 생체량의 높았던 5월과 7월 9월에 가장 높았으며(0.0029, 0.0031, $0.0019g\;AFDW/m^2/day$), 생체량이 낮았던 12월에 가장 낮았다($0.00004g\;AFDW/m^2/day$). 가시망둑의 월별 생산량의 변화에서 양의 상관관계를 보인 것은 생체량과 수온이었다.

The growth and production of Pseudoblennius cottoides (1.80~10.01 cm TL) were investigated in an eelgrass bed of Dongdae Bay, Korea throughout 2006. A total 702 P. cottoides were collected with a small beam trawl. Growth in fish total length was expressed as: $TL=0.0539d^{0.9105}$. The relationships between total length body weight was estimated as $W=0.0079TL^3.1103$. The densities, biomass, daily, annual production, and P/B ratio were $0.06{\pm}0.062/m^2$, $0.10{\pm}0.144g/m^2$, $0.0005{\pm}0.0006g\;AFDW/m^2/day$, $0.1833g\;AFDW/m^2/year$, and 1.813, respectively. Monthly production of P. cottoides were greatly peak in May, July and September (0.0029, 0.0031 and $0.0019g\;AFDW/m^2/day$) when the biomass was high, and the lowest value in December (0.00004g AFDW/m^2/day) when the biomass was low. Monthly change in production of P. cottoides was positively correlated with biomass and temperature.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 한국산 가시망둑(Pseudoblennius cottoides)의 생식에 관한 연구 vol.50, pp.1, 2014,