Characteristics of Design Expression Reflected in Creative Space in Shanghai through Regeneration of Abandoned Industrial Facilities

유휴산업시설 재생을 통한 상하이 창의공간에 나타난 디자인 표현 특성

  • 박미라 (건국대학교 디자인대학원 실내환경디자인) ;
  • 김문덕 (건국대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • Received : 2014.09.30
  • Accepted : 2014.11.07
  • Published : 2014.12.31


Regeneration of abandoned industrial facilities can heighten the availability through potential values that cannot be found in newly-built buildings and through the sense of overscale space. Furthermore, backward regions can be activated by assigning their identity and establishing social-cultural infrastructures. The aim of the present study is to analyze and integrate of characteristics of design expression based on a case of creative space in Shanghai. A research on the creative space in Shanghi designedly proceeded according to government's extensive administrative support and policy. We keep appearances of industrial buildings as close as possible to their original condition, thereby revealing symbolism and forming unique characteristics that distinguish them from those of other areas. While keeping the shape characteristics of the bridge8, M50, Red Town, 2577 Greative Garden and 1933 Shanghai, we designed spaces in terms of spacial variability, oneness, accessibility and continuity and activated areas by inducing residents' participation and fostering art and cultural oriented facilities. These characteristics of design expression are factors to be considered in regenerating abandoned industrial facilities internally and hopefully they are used as a reference of design plan.



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