소비자의 소비행복을 어떻게 측정할 수 있나? : 소비행복의 구성요소 및 척도개발을 중심으로

Consumer's Consumption Happiness, How Can We Measure It?

  • 투고 : 2014.07.15
  • 심사 : 2014.12.17
  • 발행 : 2014.12.31


This study aims to devise a tool which can identify the concept of 'consumption happiness' and to develop a standardized scale to measure consumption happiness. How can we measure consumption happiness? Based on it, the concept and perspective of consumption happiness was formed and then the scale for measuring it was developed. To develop the scale, questions were extracted through a literature survey, an FGI interview was conducted and validity was verified through experts' opinions. Then the scale was developed by conducting a questionnaire survey for consumers. For the analysis of the research, SPSS 20. 0 for Windows and AMOS 17.0 were used and 500 consumers responded to an online survey. In order to examine the general characteristics of the investigation object, the technical statistics of frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation were performed. To develop the research, test-retest correlation, item-to-total correlation, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ reliability, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted. The final 20-item consumption happiness scale, which consisted of four factors, was constructed in the end.



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