제조시스템공학 40년-정리와 전망

Review and Perspectives on the Research and Industrial Applications of Manufacturing Systems Engineering in Korea for 40 Years

  • 최병규 (KAIST 산업 및 시스템공학과) ;
  • 한관희 (경상대학교 산업시스템공학부) ;
  • 전차수 (경상대학교 산업시스템공학부) ;
  • 이철수 (서강대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 박상철 (아주대학교 산업공학과)
  • Choi, Byoung Kyu (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST) ;
  • Han, Kwan Hee (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Jun, Cha Soo (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, Chul Soo (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University) ;
  • Park, Sang Chul (Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University)
  • 발행 : 2014.12.15


Over 40 years, the domestic manufacturing industry of Korea played the vital role in creating national wealth, employment and innovation in its economy. In 2011, industrial products made up 99.7 percent of exports, and formed 31.2 percent of GDP. Given those facts, the research of manufacturing systems engineering for higher manufacturing efficiency and its industrial applications have been essential for Korea's economic growth. In this paper, for celebrating the 40th anniversary of the foundation of Korea institute of industrial engineers (KIIE), the research results and its industrial applications of KIIE are reviewed and summarized in the area of manufacturing systems engineering over past 40 years. Directions of future manufacturing system and the role of industrial engineers for our continuous economic growth are also mentioned.



  1. Bae, J. U. and Kim, K. J. (1996), A Development Tool for AGVS Controller using Simulation, IE interfaces, 9(1), 25-40.
  2. Cho, K. K., Lee, S. H., and Ahn, J. H. (1999), Automated welding operation planning system for block assembly in shipbuilding, International Journal of Production Economics, 60, 203-209.
  3. Cho, Y. H., Han, K. H., and Choi, S. H. (2010), Systematic Embedded Subsystem Development Methodology for POP System, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 23(1), 35-47.
  4. Choi, B. K. (1985), STOPP : an approach to CAD/CAM integration, Computer-Aided Design, 17(4), 162-168.
  5. Choi, B. K., Jung, J. Y., and Kim, D. W. (1985), Development of a Graphic Simulation Modeller for Robot Welding Process Planning, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 11(1), 21-32.
  6. Choi, B. K., Lee, C. S., Hwang, J. S., and Jun, C. S. (1988), Compound surface modelling and machining, Computer-Aided Design, 20(3), 127-136.
  7. Choi, B. K. and Jun, C. S. (1989), Ball-end cutter interference avoidance in NC machining of sculptured surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, 21(6), 371-378.
  8. Choi, B. K. and Ju, S. Y. (1989), Constant-radius blending in surface modelling, Computer-Aided Design, 21(4), 213-220.
  9. Choi, B. K. and Lee, C. S. (1990), Sweep surfaces modelling via coordinate transformation and blending, Computer-Aided Design, 22(2), 87-96.
  10. Choi, B. K., Park, J. W., and Jun, C. S. (1993), Cutter-location data optimization in 5-axis surface machining, Computer-Aided Design, 25(6), 377-386.
  11. Choi, B. K., Chung, Y. C., Park, J. W., and Kim, D. H. (1994), Unified CAM-system architecture for die and mold manufacturing, Computer-Aided Design, 26(3), 235-243.
  12. Choi, B. K. and Chung, Y. C. (1995), Machining Simulation and NC-code Verification Using Z-map, IE interfaces, 8(3), 155-169.
  13. Choi, B. K. and Han, K. H. (1995), Job Resource relation-Net Modeling for the Simulation of FMS, IE interfaces, 8(3), 61-73.
  14. Choi, B. K. Jun, C. S., Yoo, W. S., and Pyoun, Y. S. (1996a), CAD/CAM systems and CNC machining, SciTechmedia, Korea.
  15. Choi, B. K., Han, K. H., and Park, T. Y. (1996b), Object-oriented graphical modeling of FMSs, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 8(2), 159-182.
  16. Choi, B. K. and Kim, B. H. (1997), Die-cavity pocketing via cutting simulation, Computer Aided Design, 29(12), 837-846.
  17. Choi, B. K. and Jerad, R. (1998), Sculptured Surface Machining-Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  18. Choi, H. Y. and Jung, M. Y. (1992), Guide-Path Design for Automated Guided Vehicles, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 18(1), 121-139.
  19. Choi, J. H., Kim, J. G., Lee, D. H., and Choi, I. J. (1999), Development of the DNC System for SFC/POP, IE interfaces, 12(3), 374-381.
  20. Choi, J. S. and Kim, D. W. (1996), Collision-Free Path Planning for Articulated Robots, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 22(4), 579-588.
  21. Choi, M. W., Han, S. T., Seo, J. H., Woo, J. H., Lee, C. J. and Choi, Y. R. (2005), Digital Manufacturing Strategy and Case study of Automotive General Assembly, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 10(3), 199-209.
  22. Choi, T. J. and Choi, B. K. (2011), Study on Automod Generating Emulation/Animation Model for Integrated Simulation of Production and Material Handling Systems, Proceeding of Autumn Annual Conference of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 178-182.
  23. Chu, W. S., Ahn, S. H., Kim, D. S., and Jun, C. S. (2004), MIMS : Web-based Micro Machining Service, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 9(3), 246-252.
  24. Chung, B. D. and Kim, K. S. (2002), A Study on Design of a Tandem AGV System with Multi-Load AGVs, IE interfaces, 15(1), 1-9.
  25. Chung, Y. C. (1995), Cutting simulation and verification of NC data for unified CAM system for die and mold manufacturing, Ph.D. Thesis, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
  26. Chung, Y. C. and Choi, B. K. (1996), Non-parametric Modeling of Cutter Swept Surfaces for Cutting Simulation, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 1(1), 45-55.
  27. Chung, Y. C. Park, J. W., Shin, H. Y., and Choi, B. K. (1998), Modeling the surface swept by a generalized cutter for NC verification, Computer-Aided Design, 30(8), 587-594.
  28. Chung, Y. C. (2005), Tool-path Computing by Slicing Offset Triangles and Tracing Intersections, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 10(6), 455-464.
  29. Chung, J. W., Jang, J. J. Suh, J. D., Koo, P. H., and Choung, Y. I. (2005), A Scheduling with semiconductor FAB Manufacturing integrated by lots balance and facility assignment, Proceeding of Autumn Annual Conference of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 931-938.
  30. Do, N. C. (2013), An Information System Architecture for Extracting Key Performance Indicators from PDM Databases, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 39(1), 1-9.
  31. Han, K. H. (1998), New Directions in the CIM System Development-Virtual Manufacturing, IE Interfaces, 11(3), 219-225.
  32. Han, K. H. and Park, C. W. (2004), A QFD-Based Requirements Analysis for the Development of Integrated Design and Manufacturing Information System, IE Interfaces, 17(3), 261-268.
  33. Han, K. H., Park, C. W. Ok, J. S., and Kim, K. S. (2005), The Development of a Shop Floor-Centered Information System for the Integration of Design and Manufacturing Data, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 10(4), 237-243.
  34. Han, K. H. and Park, J. W. (2009), UML-based PLC Ladder Logic Design and Automatic Generation of Ladder Code, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 14(1), 50-59.
  35. Huh, J. H., Kim, Y. L., and Jun, C. S. (2006) Contour Parallel Offset and Tool-Path Linking Algorithm for Pocketing Using Pairwise Intersection Approach, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 11(5), 375-383.
  36. Hwang, H. S. (1996), A Comparative Study of FMS Performance Evaluation Modeling Using FACTOR/AIM, IE interfaces, 9(2), 191- 202.
  37. Joung, S. H. and Byun, J. H. (2002), An Experimental Study on Selecting the Diameter of Probe Stylus of a Coordinate Measuring Machine in Measuring the Edge Profile of High Pressure Compressor, IE interfaces, 15(4), 432-438.
  38. Jun, C. S. (1985), NC Machining of Sculptured Surface from 3D Measuring Data, M. S. Thesis, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST).
  39. Jun, C. S. (1993), Cutter Interference Avoidance in NC Machining of Compound Surfaces, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 19(3), 139-154.
  40. Jung, E. K., Jeon, T. B., and Kim, Y. H. (1993), Flexibility Measurement Model for Cellular Manufacturing Systems, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 19(3), 91-102.
  41. Jung, Y. C. (2013), Tool-path Generation for a Robotic Skull Drilling System, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 18(4), 243-249.
  42. Kagermann, H. et al. (2013), Final Report-Securing the Future of German Manufacturing Industry Recommendations for Implementing the Strategic Initiative Industrie 4.0, Industrie 4.0 Working Group, Germany.
  43. Kang, J. K. and Suh, S. H. (1995), Determining Machinability and Setup Orientation for Five-axis NC Machining of Free Surfaces, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21(1), 67-84.
  44. Kang, J. G., Lee, H. S., Oh, K. J., and Jung, J. Y. (2000), Optimal Design and Die Manufacturing of an Axial Fan for Cooling Towers, IE interfaces, 13(4), 717-724.
  45. Kim, B. H., Back, J. Y., and Yi, I. L. (2005), A Support System for Searching Robust Injection Molding Condition, IE interfaces, 18(1), 73-81.
  46. Kim, B. K. and Park, J. Y. (2002), An Algorithm for Reducing the Tool Retraction Length in Zigzag Pocket Machining, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 28(2), 128-138.
  47. Kim, G. Y., Jin, Y. E., Noh, S. D., Choi, S. S., Jo, Y. J., and Choi, S. O. (2011), Implementation Strategy and Effect Analysis of MES for a Small and Medium PCB Production Company based on BPR Methodology, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 24(3), 231-24.
  48. Kim, J. H. (2014), VIP Report, Hyundae Research Institute, Seoul, Korea.
  49. Kim, K. H. (1993), Correlated Assignment Strategy in Miniload AS/RS, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 19(1), 19-29.
  50. Kim, Y. J. and Yang, Y. M. (2003), Development of Web Based Machining Tool Data System Using XML(eXtensible Markup Language), IE interfaces, 16(1), 8-15.
  51. Kim, Y. K., Kim, J. Y., and Shin, K. S. (2004), The Integration of FMS Process Planning and Scheduling Using an Asymmetric Multi-leveled Symbiotic Evolutionary Algorithm, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 30(2), 130-145.
  52. Ko, K. H., Seo, J. C., and Choi, B. K. (2006) Automatic Feedrate Adjustment for 2D Profire Milling, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 5(2), 175-183.
  53. Ko, M. S., Koo, L. J., Kwak, J. G., Hong, S. H., Wang, G. N., and Park, S. C. (2009), A Study of PLC Simulation for Automobile Panel AS/RS, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 18(3), 1-11.
  54. Ko, M. S., Shin, H. S., Hong, S. H., Park, S. C., and Wang, G. N. (2011), A Template Based Process Modeling Methodology for Control Simulation, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 16(5), 351-360.
  55. Ko, M. S., Cheon, S. U. and Park, S. C. (2013), A Method for Generating a Plant Model Based on Log Data for Control Level Simulation, Trans. of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 18(1), 21-27.
  56. Koo, L. J., Yeo, S. J., Lee, K. G., Hong, S. H., Park, C. M., Park, S. C., and Wang, G. N. (2008), The Process Analysis and Application Methods for PLC Code Programming, IE interfaces, 21(3), 294-301.
  57. Koo, L. J., Park, S. C., and Wang, G. N. (2009), A Study of Methodology for Applying Simulation to Car Body Assembly Line using I/O Model, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 14(4), 225-233.
  58. Lee, C. H., Wang, G. N., and Park, S. C. (2009), Design of a Vehicle Assembly Line Using PLC Simulation, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 14(5), 323-329.
  59. Lee, C. S. (1990), A Study on Sweep Surface Modeling, Ph.D. Thesis, KAIST.
  60. Lee, C. S. and Bae, S. Y. (1994), Scheduling of Machining Shop Composed of Machining center and Multiple Pallets, IE interfaces, 7(2), 107-120.
  61. Lee, C. S. (1994), Tool-Path Generation in NC Machining of Automobile Panel Die, J. of The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 2(5), 74-84.
  62. Lee, C. S. (1996), Surface Modeling and 5-axis NC machining of Automobile Tire Model, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 9(2), 2129-2141.
  63. Lee, C. S. and Park, G. R. (1998), A 4-axis NC Lettering System for the Side-wall of the Automobile Tire, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 11(2), 65-78.
  64. Lee, C. S. and Park, G. R. (1999), Generation of 5-axis NC Data for Machining Turbine Blades by Controlling the Heel Angle, Trans. of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 4(2), 110-120.
  65. Lee, C. S., Park, G. R., and Kim, Y. H. (2000), Generating the Parting-Line, Parting-Surface and Core/Cavity for an Injection Mold by using Face-Edge Graph, IE interfaces, 13(4), 591-598.
  66. Lee, C. S. and Lee, J. P. (2001), Calculating the Feedrate of 5-Axis NC Machining Data for the Constant Cutting Speed at a CL- point, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 6(2), 69-77.
  67. Lee, C. S., Heo, E. Y., Kim, J. M. and Kim, D. S. (2011), A Study Of The Efficient Nesting Considering Scrap Feature, Proceedings of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, 533-537.
  68. Lee, C. S., Choi, I. H., Heo, E. Y., and Kim, J. M. (2012), A Method of Hole Pass-Through Evaluation for EDM Drilling, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 38(3), 220-226.
  69. Lee, G. G. (1990), Buffer Sizing in FMS Environment through Transfer Pricing Mechanism, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 16(2), 81-89.
  70. Lee, K. B. and Kim, Y. M. (1996), Expert System for optimal cutting speed and feed rate selection, IE interfaces, 9(1), 1-10.
  71. Lee, K. B., Ju, S. Y., and Wang, G. N. (1998), Determination of Machining Parameters for Two Dimensional Electrical Discharge Machining using Neural Networks, IE interfaces, 11(1), 145-153.
  72. Lee, K. H., Kang, Y. S., and Lee, Y. H. (2012), Development of Manufacturing Ontology-based Quality Prediction Framework and System : Injection Molding Process, IE interfaces, 25(1), 40-51.
  73. Lee, M. K. (1995), Travel-Time Analysis for an Automated Mobile Racking System, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21(2), 195-206.
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  75. Lee, S. W. and Lee, J. J. (1995), Tool Management System for Machine Shop Floor, IE interfaces, 8(4), 191-200.
  76. Lee, S. Y., Jeong, H. M., Ko, C. N., Lee, D. K., Jeong, S. B. and Kim, S. B. (2000), Development of hole machining system for Commercial Vehicle Side frame, Trans. the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers.
  77. Lee, Y. H. and Kim, S. S. (1988), A Simulation Support System for Optimal Design of FMS, IE Interfaces, 1(2), 25-34.
  78. Lee, Y. S., Hwang, H. J., Park, M. J., Jang, D. Y., kim, J. P. and Na, K. H. (2001), Development of Web-based Virtual System to Simulate Forging Operation, IE interfaces, 14(1), 1-8.
  79. Lim, S. G. (1996), Expected Travel Time and Class Layout for Class-based Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems, J. of The Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 22(2), 179-188.
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  82. Park, J. H., Chung, Y. C. and Choi, B. K. (1998), Precision Shape Modeling by Z-Map Model, J. of Korean Society for Precision Engineering, 15(11), 180-188.
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  84. Park, J. C., Shin, H., and Choi, B. K. (2006), Elliptic Gabriel graph for finding neighbors in a point set and its application to normal vector estimation, Computer Aided Design, 38(6), 619-626.
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