A Study of Level of Service Analysis Method of Arterials including Exclusive Median Bus Lanes

중앙버스전용차로가 설치된 간선도로의 서비스수준 분석방법에 관한 연구

  • 조한선 (한국교통연구원 교통안전.도로본부) ;
  • 김태형 (한국교통연구원 미래교통창조경제본부)
  • Received : 2013.03.11
  • Accepted : 2013.10.01
  • Published : 2013.10.15


PURPOSES : The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology to estimate level of service of arterial including Exclusive Median Bus Lanes. METHODS : On 6 Exclusive Median Bus Lanes routes in Seoul, bus travel time and number of bus-stop per km were investigated. Also whether or not passing lane exists at bus-stop was checked. Based on the data from sites, bus travel time was estimated according to length of segment, number of bus-stop per km and whether or not passing lane exists at bus-stop. RESULTS : A bus travel time table was developed according to length of segment, number of bus-stop per km and whether or not passing lane exists at bus-stop. After bus travel speed and passenger car travel speed is estimated based on each travel time table and length of segment, two speeds are combined with weighted average speed using traffic volume of each lane group. Then weighted average speed is a measure of effectiveness of arterial including Exclusive Median Bus Lanes. CONCLUSIONS : It can be concluded that the proposed methodology can estimate level of service of arterial including Exclusive Median Bus Lanes considering the operation characteristics of Exclusive Median Bus Lanes.



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