일반농산어촌개발 지역역량강화사업비의 적정요율 산정

An Estimation of the Standard Cost of Project Management of Empowerment Sector in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project

  • 최영완 (경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 박현용 ((주)인포마스터) ;
  • 김영주 (경상대학교 지역환경기반공학과(농업생명과학연구원))
  • Choi, Young-Wan (Insti. of Agri. & Life Sci., Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Park, Hyun-Yong (Infomaster co., Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Young-Joo (Dept. of Agricultural Eng.(Insti. of Agri. & Life Sci.), Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2013.09.02
  • 심사 : 2013.09.26
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


The existing standard cost of project management of empowerment sector in general rural development project has problems with standard cost system without considering characteristics of empowerment project and unclear division of works. These problems are a lot of trouble to fulfill the project. Thus, it needs an arrangement of standard cost considering detailed characteristics of project management in the empowerment sector. The contents and results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) To set accurate standard cost, we carried out three-step processes, such as elicitation of standard works, calculation of workload and determination of standard cost. (1) In an investigation of 30 rural area dividing 8 parts about an workload of empowerment project, an average workload is 1,499 hours. (2) Based on this results, the standard cost is calculated at 15% of project cost in over 600 million won, at 28.75% of project cost in under 500 million won, by standards of empowerment project cost. 2) It set the responsibility management cost to 15% of empowerment project cost considering existing awareness, workload and work professionalism of project management. Based on the results, It suggested the practical use as basis for efficient management of the future empowerment projects. To achieve this, It needs to promote maximizing results on the whole project through the legalization processes including amendment of existing regulations.



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