A Study on Piracy and the Liability of the Insurer based on Somali Pirates

소말리아 해적사건을 통한 해적행위와 해상보험자의 책임에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2013.07.31
  • Accepted : 2013.08.19
  • Published : 2013.08.31


Piracy has been an ongoing and serious problem in international shipping industry. Somalia is often in the news these days. Somalia has been in a state of unrest for more than two centuries. In recent times, the situation has remained unstable. The persistent unrest is the major driver behind the piracy epidemic in Somalia waters. By the MIA 1906, s.78(1), the expenses in order to be recoverable must have been "properly incurred". The underwriter is also liable in certain circumstances for expenses incurred by the assured in an attempt to avert or diminish loss covered by the policy, under provisions. This class of expenditure is commonly referred to as sue and labour expenses, or suing and labouring expenses; less commonly, as particular charges. The standard marine policy(the S.G.Form) contained what was invariably called the sue and labour clause, which has been replaced in the current Institute Clauses by the "Duty of Assured(Sue and Labour)" Clause in the Hull Clauses, and the "Duty of Assured" Clause, headed "Minimizing losses", in the Cargo Clauses. Sue and labour charges are not confined to expenditure on the part of the assured and his agents, but can include quantified loss consequent upon a sacrifice properly and reasonably made to avert or minimize an insured loss.
