Medical Achievements of Doctor-Lee, Seokgan and Interpretation of the first unveiled 「Daeyakbu」

조선 중기 유의(儒醫) 이석간(李碩幹)의 가계와 의약사적 연구 - 새로 발견된 대약부(大藥賦)를 중심으로 -

  • 오준호 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구그룹) ;
  • 박상영 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구그룹) ;
  • 안상우 (한국한의학연구원 문헌연구그룹)
  • Received : 2013.04.29
  • Accepted : 2013.05.28
  • Published : 2013.05.31


This study confirmed that a doctor named Lee, Seok-gan whose name has been widely known but whose real identity has remained unclear, was an active Confucian doctor in the 16th century. In addition, through the newly discovered "Daeyakbu" among his family line, writings, and relics that have been handed down in a family, this study looked into his medical philosophy and medicine culture. The author of "Ieseokgangyeongheombang"(Medical Book by Lee, Seok-gan(李石澗), Seok-gan is the same person as an active famous doctor Lee, Seok-gan(李碩幹, 1509-1574) in the 16th century. Such a fact can be confirmed through "Samuiilheombang", "Sauigyeongheombang" and the newly opened "Ieseokgangyeongheombang". Lee, Seok-gan was born in the 4th ruling year of king Jungjong (1509) and was active as a doctor until the 7th ruling year of king Seonjo(1547); his first name is Jungim with the pen name-Chodang, and he used a doctor name of 'Seokgan.' He was known as a divine doctor, and there have been left lots of anecdotes in relation with Lee, Seok-gan. Legend has it that Seokgan went to China to give treatment to the empress, and a heavenly peach pattern drinking cup and a house, which the emperor bestowed on Seokgan in return for his great services, still have remained up to the present. Usually, Seokgan interacted with Toegye Lee Hwang and his literary persons, and with his excellent medical skills, Seokgan once gave treatment to Toegye at the time of his death free of charge. His medical skills have been handed down in his family, and his descendant Lee, Ui-tae(around 1700) compiled a medical book titled "Gyeongheombangwhipyeon(經驗方彙編)". Out of Lee, Seok-gan's keepsakes which were donated to Sosu museums by his descendant family, 4 sorts of 'Gwabu'(writings of fruit trees) including "Daeyakbu" were discovered. It's rare to find a literary work left by a medical figure like this, so these discoveries have a deep meaning even from a medicine culture level. Particularly, "Daeyakbu" includes the typical "Uigukron". The "Uigukron", which develops its story by contrasting politics with medicine, has a unique writing style as one of the representative explanatory methods of scholars' position during the Joseon Dynasty; in addition, the distinctive feature of "Uigukron" is that it was created in the form of 'Gabu' other than a prose.



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