편마풍화토의 다짐밀도에 따른 불포화 흡수응력 특성

Density Effect on Suction Stress Characteristics of Compacted Weathered Gneiss Soils

  • 박성완 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과) ;
  • 김병수 (오카야마대학교 환경디자인공학과) ;
  • 권홍기 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과) ;
  • 임재성 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과)
  • Park, Seong-Wan (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng., Dankook Univ.) ;
  • Kim, Byeong-Su (Dept. of Environmental and Civil Eng., Okayama Univ.) ;
  • Kwon, Hong-Gi (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng., Dankook Univ.) ;
  • Lim, Jae-Seong (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng., Dankook Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2012.11.14
  • 심사 : 2013.07.22
  • 발행 : 2013.08.31


본 연구에서는 다짐된 편마풍화토의 불포화토 전단강도특성을 규명하기 위하여, Constant Water Content Compression (CWCC) 시험을 실시하였다. 두 가지 상대밀도로 구분하여 정적 다짐으로 공시체가 제작되었고, 초기 포화도를 변화시킴으로써 초기 흡수력 및 최대전단강도가 구현될 때의 흡수력에 따른 전단거동을 살펴보았다. 흡수력은 세라믹디스크와 간극수압계의 설치에 의해 직접 측정되었고, 이 흡수력을 적용하여 흡수응력(ps)이 추정되었다. CWCC 시험에서 얻어진 최대압축강도에 대한 결과는 삼축압축시험에서의 포화상태 파괴선(Mp Line)과의 관계, 즉 흡수력에 의해 발현된 전단강도의 변화를 흡수응력을 이용하여 살펴보았다. 또한, Kim 등(2010)이 제안한 Suction stress-SWCC Method (SSM)을 활용하여 흡수응력의 적용성에 대해 논하였다.

In order to examine the unsaturated shear strength characteristics of compacted weathered gneiss soils, the constant water content compression (CWCC) test was carried out. Specimens were made by static compaction under two densities conditions. The shear behavior in accordance with an initial suction obtained by varying initial degrees of saturation was evaluated. The suction could be directly measured by the use of the ceramic disk and the pore-water pressure transducer. The results of the peak shear strength from the CWCC test were examined using the relationship with Mp line from triaxial test under the saturated state, that is, by means of the suction stress which was calculated using the measured suction. In addition, the applicability of the suctions stress to the unsaturated shear behaviour of compacted weathered gneiss soils was discussed by applying Suction stress-SWCC Method (SSM).



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