지역성 구현을 위한 집합주택 원형 주거동의 표현 특성 연구

A Study on the Circular Multi-Family Housing for Designing Local Identity

  • 문은미 (덕성여자대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2013.05.30
  • 심사 : 2013.07.05
  • 발행 : 2013.08.31


This study was aimed at determining the characteristics of circular multi-family housing under the assumption that the shape of a residential building affects local identity. A total of six case studies were included in this study, three case studies on idle historical industrial facilities turned into residential buildings and another three on multi-family housing located in newly developed residential complexes. The study drew its conclusions as follows. First, the design of circular multi-family housing was intended to maximize security and defense from the outside in older times. This was later developed as the terrace house style with geometric urban squares designed under the urban planning of the Baroque period. This evolved high-density housing with a courtyard in the center offering a green open space, with the aim of restoring a sense of humanity. Second, the six case studies on circular multi-family housing were analyzed from the viewpoint of each factor of local identity, including historical and cultural, landscape, and community. Third, the historical and cultural elements of circular multi-family housing are found in some unused historical industrial facilities remodeled into residential buildings. They provide new capabilities and shapes desired by society at a given time, while maintaining familiar styles and elements of history, integrating a legacy of the past into the present. Fourth, circular multi-family housing with unique shapes and structures often become landmarks of a region with their distinctive appearance against a uniform urban environment and the monotonous scenery of residential complexes. They also show a high level of visual awareness with the distinctive shapes made possible when new elements are added to a historical exterior. Finally, circular multi-family housing with courtyards in the center prompt social contact between inhabitants, especially with dormitories and rental houses for the low-income bracket, which provide a small individual units with high use common space. Circular multi-family housing are planned in a manner similar to a small village or a city. They are designed to enhance sense of community, allocating various public amenities and provide cultural and commercial spaces on the ground floor and courtyard areas.



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