Technopolis and Regional Development : A Review of Development Experience in Hsinchu, Taiwan

  • Hu, Tai-Shan (Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chung-Hua University) ;
  • Lin, Chien-Yuan (Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University)
  • Published : 2013.08.12


The Hsin-Chu Science-Based Industrial Park (HSIP), established in 1980, has made significant contribution to the development of Hsinchu technopolis. In the past three decades, not only the population structure and industrial patterns have changed significantly, but also a special knowledge-based industrial network has been developed. The 30 years experience of HSIP development provides an excellent opportunity for planners to review the long term impacts of science park development. This paper will review the evolution Hsinchu technopolis in areas of socioeconomic transformation and knowledge interactions between technology community and industrial clustering. In addition to the interpretation of its development by prevailing theories, critical factors influencing the future development of HSIP technopolis will also be discussed in this paper.



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