OPR-1000 CE Steam Generator, of which tube material is composed of Alloy-600 HTMA in nuclear power plant, secondary side is generated ODSCC(Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking) due to the accumulated sludge. ODSCC is centered around the tube sheet and is being affected depending on the height of the sludge. Chemical cleaning was carried out for a top-of-the-tube sheet(TTS) of Steam Generator in order to decrease corrosive condition of the secondary side of Steam Generator tubes and suppress the occurrence of stress corrosion cracking. The amount of sludge removal was 259.2kg. The height of the accumulated sludge was reduced from 0.71 to 0.34 inches. Corrosion rate as the maximum 2.34 mils was satisfied to within EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) recommendation(10 mils).
원자력발전소 OPR-1000 CE형 증기발생기는 전열관 재질이 Alloy-600 HTMA으로 되어 있고, 2차측은 퇴적된 슬러지로 인해 ODSCC가 발생한다. ODSCC는 관판 주변에 집중되고 있고, 슬러지 높이에 따라 영향을 받고 있다. 증기발생기 2차측 부식분위기 저감과 함께 전열관의 응력부식균열의 발생을 억제하기 위하여 부분화학세정을 실시하였다. 슬러지 제거량은 259.2kg이고, 퇴적 슬러지 높이는 0.71인치에서 0.34인치로 낮아졌으며, 부식율은 최대 2.34mils로서 EPRI 권고사항인 10mils 이내로 만족하였다.