A 6-month-old, intact male Great Pyrenees (35 kg) was referred with 2 weeks continuous left forelimb lameness to the Chonbuk Animal Medical Center, College of Veterinary medicine, Chonbuk National University. The lameness became worse three days before being referred to the hospital. Upon the physical examination, the patient had pain when the left shoulder joint was palpated, and the lameness was visible in the left forelimb during ambulation on gait examination. There were no remarkable findings on radiological and neurological examination. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) was suspected based on medical history and gait tests. As a definitive diagnosis could not be made, exploratory arthroscopic surgery was performed to examine the inside of the shoulder joint. During the operation, mild bicipital tenosynovitis, synovitis and OCD which was located on the caudal medial area of humeral head were revealed. Arthroscopic procedures were used for the treating OCD, including the removal of the OCD flap and debriding of the subchondral defect until hemorrhaging by use of an electrical burr. The patient was discharged a day after surgery. After 2 weeks, the patient again presented at the hospital due to complications, including inflammation of the surgical lesion because of licking and seroma within the subcutaneous tissue. Antibiotics were administered and an aseptic bandage was applied. And simple surgical operations were performed for the removal of the cyst and seroma. Eleven weeks following arthroscopy, the lameness was completely resolved. Arthroscopy has the advantage of allowing gross examination inside the joint capsule. Due to this advantage, arthroscopy is one of the best advanced options for diagnosis in dogs with undiagnosed joint pain.
6개월 된 수컷 Great Pyrenees (35 kg)가 왼쪽 앞다리에 2주 동안 지속된파행으로 전북동물의료센터에 내원하였다. 파행은 병원 내원 3일 전부터 더욱 심해졌다고 한다. 신체검사 상에서 환자는 왼쪽 어깨 부분에 통증을 보였고, 보행 검사에서 파행을 보이고 있었다. 방사선 검사와 신경계 신체검사에서는 유의적인 소견을 보이지 않았다. 의학적 기왕력과 보행검사를 토대로 박리성 골연골염을 의심하였다. 어깨관절에 대한 확실한 진단을 위해서, 탐색적 관절내시경 수술이 시행되었다. 미미한 두갈래근건초염과, 활막염, 그리고 상완골 머리 후내측에 위치한 박리성 골연골염 병변이 관찰되었다. 연골편의 제거, 연골하골의 변연절제가 관절내시경과 전기 버(electric burr)를 사용하여 실시되었다. 환자는 수술 다음 날에 퇴원하였다. 2주 후, 환자는 술 부를 핥아서 생긴 염증과 피하조직에 생긴 장액종으로 인해 내원하였다. 항생제 처치와 무균적 붕대가 적용되었고, 장액종은 수술적으로 제거되었으며, 관절내시경을 실시한 11주 후 환자의 보행은 정상이었다. 관절내시경은 관절낭 안쪽의 구조물 관찰이 가능하기 때문에 진단이 어려운 관절질환에 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 거라 사료된다.