Objectives: It attempted to analyze influencing factors on the utilization of outpatient services which were adopted to predisposing, enabling, and need factors in Anderson model. Methods: The current study analyzed "2007 Korean National Health Nutrition Survey" data, which selected 3,335 people nationwide by proportional systematic sampling. This study analyzed data of persons who used outpatient services in two weeks. It adopted Anderson Model to control contextual factors including socioeconomic factors. The study compared means and fitted logistic regression models and multilevel model. Results: The logistic regression model showed that persons purchased private medical insurance were less likely to use outpatient services than the persons did not purchase private medical insurance. Persons with hypertension and diabetes mellitus, overweight, and problem drinkers were more likely to use outpatient services. Persons with high school graduates or higher in education level and experience of accidents or intoxications were more likely to use outpatient services according to the multilevel analysis of mixed model which treated region as random effect. Conclusion: Higher level of perceived stress increased the probability to use outpatient service than lower level of perceived stress. As number of days a person had exercised increased, the probability to use outpatient service decreased. Overweight and problem alcohol drinking increased the probability of outpatient service use. Further research should be conducted to find more factors influencing outpatient service use.
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