기후변화에 따른 제주도 주변 해역 수산 어종 변화(1981-2010)

Multi-decadal Changes in Fish Communities Jeju Island in Relation to Climate Change

  • 정석근 (국립제주대학교 대학원 해양생명과학과) ;
  • 하승목 (국립제주대학교 대학원 해양생명과학과) ;
  • 나한나 (홋카이도 대학교 이학부)
  • Jung, Sukgeun (Department of Marine Life Science, Graduate School, Jeju National University) ;
  • Ha, Seungmok (Department of Marine Life Science, Graduate School, Jeju National University) ;
  • Na, Hanna (Division of Earth and Planetary Dynamics, Department of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University)
  • 투고 : 2013.01.21
  • 심사 : 2013.04.03
  • 발행 : 2013.04.30


We compiled and analyzed long-term time-series data collected in Korea to evaluate changes in oceanographic conditions and marine ecosystems near Jeju Island ($33^{\circ}00^{\prime}-34^{\circ}00^{\prime}\;N$, $125^{\circ}30^{\prime}-127^{\circ}30^{\prime}\;E$) from 1981 to 2010. Environmental data included depth-specific time series of temperature and salinity that have been measured bimonthly since 1961 in water columns at 175 fixed stations along 22 oceanographic lines in Korean waters by the National Fisheries Research & Development Institute, and time series of estimated volume transport of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) and Korea Strait Bottom Cold Water (KSBCW) for the period from 1961 to 2008. We analyzed the species composition in terms of biomass of fish species caught by Korean fishing vessels in the waters near Jeju Island (1981-2010). Data were summarized and related to environmental changes using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The CCA detected major shifts in fish community structure between 1982 and 1983 and between 1990 and 1992; the dominant species were a filefish during 1981-1992 and chub mackerel from 1992 to 2007. CCA suggested that water temperature and salinity in the mixed layer and the volume transport of the TWC and the KSBCW were significantly related to the long-term changes in the fish community in the waters off Jeju Island. Fish community shifts seemed to be related to the well-established 1989 regime shift in the North Pacific. Further studies are required to elucidate the mechanisms driving climate change effects on the thermal windows and habitat ranges of commercial species to develop fisheries management plans based on reliable projections of long-term changes in the oceanographic conditions in waters off Jeju Island.



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