근치적 전립선적출술 후 요실금에 대한 케겔운동의 효과: 무작위 대조군 실험연구의 체계적 문헌고찰

Effect of Kegel Exercise on Urinary Incontinence after Radical Prostatectomy: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

  • 박성희 (배재대학교 간호학과) ;
  • 조윤수 (고려대학교 안암병원 간호부) ;
  • 곽미정 (고려대학교 안암병원 적정진료관리팀) ;
  • 이희선 (고려대학교 안암병원 간호부) ;
  • 강창범 (한국건강증진재단 연구개발팀)
  • Park, Seong-Hi (School of Nursing, Pai Chai University) ;
  • Cho, Yun Su (Department of Nursing Service, Korea University Anam Hospital) ;
  • Kwack, Mi Jeong (Quality Improvement Team, Korea University Anam Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Hee Seon (Department of Nursing Service, Korea University Anam Hospital) ;
  • Kang, Chang-Bum (Research Development Team, Korea Health Promotion Foundation)
  • 투고 : 2012.12.07
  • 심사 : 2013.04.23
  • 발행 : 2013.04.30


Purpose: This study is reviewed of the available literature to identify the evidence of the value of Kegel exercise programs as an intervention to decrease urinary incontinence and the improvement of the quality of life following a radical prostatectomy in localized prostate cancer. Methods: We searched studies of randomized controlled trials that utilized the Kegel exercise programs with patient with a radical prostatectomy. The review was conducted electronic bibliographic database of Ovid-Medline, Embase, Scopus, KoreaMed and NDSL, etc. Of 630 publications identified, seven studies that met the inclusion criteria, and all studies analyzed by meta-analysis. To ensure the quality of the studies, we used Cochrane's Risk of Bias. Results: Kegel exercise helped patient to achieve continence more quickly (after 1, 3, 6, 12 months) than men not using Kegel exercises. Especially, Kegel exercise significantly reduced the development of urinary incontinence at one month after prostatectomy. The effectiveness of Kegel exercise after prostatectomy was found to improve the quality of life at a significant level. Conclusion: Based on available evidence, Kegel exercise that nurses can teach improved the return to continence more than usual care in men with prostatectomy urinary incontinence.



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