Spring rainfall events were comprehensively analyzed based on the distribution of precipitation amount and the related synoptic weather between 2008~2012. Forty-eight cases are selected among the rain events of the entire country, and each distribution of the 24-hour accumulated precipitation amount is classified into three types: evenly distributed rain(Type 1), more rain in the southern area and south coast region (Type 2), and more rain in the central region (Type 3), respectively. Type 1 constitutes the largest part(35 cases, 72.9%) with mean precipitation amount of 19.4 mm, and the 17 cases of Type 1 are observed in March. Although Type B and C constitutes small parts (11 cases, 22.9% and 2 cases, 4.2%), respectively. The precipitation amount of these types is greater than 34.5 mm and occurred usually in April. The main synoptic weather patterns affecting precipitation distribution are classified into five patterns according to the pathway of low pressures. The most influential pattern is type 4, and this usually occurs in March, April, and May (Low pressures from the north and the ones from the west and south consecutively affect South Korea, 37.5%). The pattern 3(Low pressures from the south affect South Korea, 25%) happens mostly in April, and the average precipitation is usually greater than 30 mm. This value is relatively higher than the values in any other patterns.