동대만 잘피밭에 서식하는 실비늘치(Aulichthys japonicus)의 성장과 생산량

Growth and Production of Aulichthys japonicus in an Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Bed of Dongdae Bay, Korea

  • Kim, Ha-Won (Environ-Ecological Engineering Institute co., Ltd.) ;
  • Huh, Sung-Hoi (Department of Oceanography, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kwak, Seok-Nam (Department of Oceanography, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.05.16
  • 심사 : 2013.02.25
  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


실비늘치(6.70~5.32 cm TL)의 성장과 생산량에 대한 연구는 동대만 잘피밭에서 2006년도에 실시하였다. 실비늘치 시료는 소형 빔트롤에 의해서 총 888개체가 채집되었다. Bertalanffy 성장식을 이용하여 구한 전장의 성장식은 $L_t=24.8257(1-e^{-0.5583(t+0.4816)})$이었다. 실비늘치의 밀도, 생체량, 일일생산량, 연간생산량, 그리고 P/B ratio는 각각 $0.01{\pm}0.009/m^2$, $0.17{\pm}0.16g/m^2$, $0.00006{\pm}0.00006g$ AFDW/$m^2$/day, 0.02g AFDW/$m^2$/yr, 그리고 0.12이었다. 실비늘치 생산량의 월변화는 컸으며, 7월(0.000182g AFDW/$m^2$/day), 9월(0.000127g AFDW/$m^2$/day) 그리고 11월(0.000123g AFDW/$m^2$/day)에 높았으며, 4월과 5월(0.000003g AFDW/$m^2$/day)에 가장 낮았다. 실비늘치의 생산량의 월변화는 개체수와 생체량, 그리고 성장률과 양의 상관관계를 보였다.

The growth and production of Aulichthys japonicus (6.70~15.32 cm TL) were investigated in an eelgrass bed of Dongdae Bay, Korea throughout 2006. A total 888 A. japonicus were collected with a small beam trawl. Growth in fish total length was expressed by the von Bertalanffy's growth equation as: $L_t=24.8257(1-e^{-0.5583(t+0.4816)})$. The densities, biomass, daily, annual production, and P/B ratio were $0.01{\pm}0.009/m^{-2}$, $0.17{\pm}0.16g/m^2$, $0.00006{\pm}0.00006g$ AFDW/$m^2$/day, 0.02g AFDW/$m^2$/yr, and 0.12, respectively. Monthly variation in production of A. japonicus was large; the peak occurred at July, September and November 2006 (0.000182, 0.000127 and 0.000123 g AFDW/$m^2$/day), where as the lowest value was 0.000003g AFDW/$m^2$/day at April and May 2006. Monthly change in production of A. japonicus was positive correlated with number of individuals, biomass and growth rate.



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피인용 문헌

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