유방암 환자와 배우자의 갈등해결방식과 부부친밀도 및 가족기능

Conflict Resolution Styles, Marital Intimacy and Family Functions of Breast Cancer Patients and Their Spouses

  • 투고 : 2012.10.29
  • 심사 : 2013.02.17
  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore conflict resolution styles, marital intimacy and family functions among breast cancer patients and their spouses. Methods: The subjects were total 126 participants. Breast cancer patients who completed chemotherapy and or radiation along with their spouses. Data were collected using questionnaires with questions about conflict resolution styles, marital intimacy and family functions. Results: There were no differences between breast cancer patients and their spouses in verbal aggression, avoidance of conflict resolution styles and family functions. As patients reported using positive conflict resolution styles the spouse-perceived marital intimacy and family functions were higher. Those patients who perceived marital intimacy as lower they also reported more verbal aggression and avoidance. As breast cancer patients perceived family functions increasing, their spouses perception of both intimacy and family function increased. Conclusion: As these results, it should be considered as basic data to develop family intervention programs such as positive communication and effective stress management and improving of conflict resolution, intimacy and family functions among breast cancer patients and their spouses.



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