서술형 평가를 통한 학생들의 도형에 대한 이해 고찰

A Study on Students' Understanding of Figures through Descriptive Assessments

  • 투고 : 2013.01.21
  • 심사 : 2013.02.23
  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


This research is a study on student's understanding fundamental concepts of mathematical curriculum, especially in geometry domain. The goal of researching is to analyze student's concepts about that domain and get the mathematical teaching methods. We developed various questions of descriptive assessment. Then we set up the term, procedure of research for the understanding student's knowledge of geometric figures. And we analyze the student's understanding extent through investigating questions of descriptive assessment. In this research, we concluded that most of students are having difficulty with defining the fundamental concepts of mathematics, especially in geometry. Almost all the students defined the fundamental conceptions of mathematics obscurely and sometimes even missed indispensable properties. And they can't distinguish between concept definition and concept image. Prior to this study, we couldn't identify this problem. Here are some suggestions. First, take time to reflect on your previous mathematics method. And then compile some well-selected questions of descriptive assessment that tell us more about student's understanding in geometric concepts.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Recent research on geometry education: an ICME-13 survey team report vol.48, pp.5, 2016,