Effects of Prohexadione-Ca, Ethephon, and Water Stress on Growth and Productivity of 'Golden Delicious'/M.9 Apple

  • Guak, Sunghee (Department of Horticulture, Chonbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.10.03
  • 심사 : 2012.11.21
  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


Prohexadione-calcium (Pro-Ca), ethephon and transient water stress were evaluated in a factorial design, as potential inhibitors of early-season shoot growth of high density orchard management of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees. In the experiment, water stress was imposed to one-half of the 7-year-old 'Golden Delicious'/M.9 apple trees in each of 5 blocks, by stopping irrigation for 3 weeks between 35 and 56 days after full bloom (AFB). Within each whole unit, the following Pro-Ca and ethephon treatments were randomly allocated at $2{\times}2$ factorial: a) 0 or 250 $mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ a.i. Pro-Ca applied at 28 days AFB and b) 0 or 300 $mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ a.i. ethephon applied twice (35 and 71 days AFB). All trees were hand thinned to king flowers prior to treatments. Vegetative shoot growth was markedly reduced by Pro-Ca, with its effect being obvious within 14 days after application, while ethephon and water stress treatments were less effective. Pro-Ca had no effect on fruit set and yield but slightly increased fruit size. Ethephon substantially reduced the fruit size and yield but had no effect on fruit set. Water stress reduced fruit set, fruit size and yield. With regard to fruit quality, Pro-Ca did not influence fruit shape, flesh firmness and soluble solids contents (SSC) but slightly reduced titratable acidity. Ethephon had no effect on fruit shape but increased firmness, SSC and acidity, while water stress did not influence these fruit quality attributes. Dry weight of dormant spur buds was reduced by both Pro-Ca and water stress, while increased by ethephon. The larger dormant buds led to the larger spur flowers at the tight cluster stage the following spring. Return flowering was promoted only by ethephon, especially on previous season's shoots. There were no significant interactions between Pro-Ca and ethephon or water stress on most variables observed in this study.



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