Investigation of Damping Ratio of Steel Plate Concrete (SC) Shear Wall by Lateral Loading Test & Impact Test

횡방향 가력실험 및 충격실험을 통한 강판콘크리트(SC) 전단벽의 감쇠비 평가

  • 조성국 (제이스코리아 기술연구소) ;
  • 소기환 (제이스코리아 기술연구소) ;
  • 박웅기 (제이스코리아 기술연구소)
  • Received : 2012.12.16
  • Accepted : 2013.02.15
  • Published : 2013.03.04


Steel plate concrete (SC) composite structure is now being recognized as a promising technology applicable to nuclear power plants as it is faster and suitable for modular construction. It is required to identify its dynamic characteristics prior to perform the seismic design of the SC structure. Particularly, the damping ratio of the structure is one of the critical design factors to control the dynamic response of structure. This paper compares the criteria for the damping ratios of each type of structures which are prescribed in the regulatory guide for the nuclear power plant. In order to identify the damping ratio of SC shear wall, this study made SC wall specimens and conducted experiments by cyclic lateral load tests and vibration tests with impact hammer. During the lateral loading test, SC wall specimens exhibited large ductile capacities with increasing amplitude of loading due to the confinement effects by the steel plate and the damping ratios increased until failure. The experimental results show that the damping ratios increased from about 6% to about 20% by increasing the load from the safe shutdown earthquake level to the ultimate strength level.



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