도시형 공익광장의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

A Study on the Method of Revitalization for the Urban Public Benefit Square

  • 발행 : 2013.03.25


This study aims to clarify the method of revitalization for the urban public benefit square. From the viewpoint of the citizens welfare and space security, the construction of high-qualified public square is very important problem. For this purpose, this study researched and analyzed well-constructed domestic and foreign case studies of public squares, and then tried to deduce concrete conditions of construction methods of revitalization. As the result of it, I could find three standpoints of conditions for the revitalized square, and each of those are urban context point, architectural planning & design point and synthetic point. For the urban context point, the conditions and details for the location of square, facade design of adjacent buildings and pedestrian's circulation system should be considered as basic elements, and for the architectural design point, the problem of dimensions, formations of space and site arrangement is in need of good design. And finally for the synthetic point of conditions, the diversity of programs as a software for activities and events of square, the influx of public movement, and establishment of transition area and border space is the clue for the successful construction process.



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