르 꼬르뷔제의 메종 쿠루체트(Maison Curutchet)에 나타난 전이공간 연구

The Study on the Transition Space in the Maison Curutchet of Le Corbusier

  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


The purpose of this study is to reveal the roles and characteristics of transition space by analyzing the Maison Curutchet of Le Corbusier in La Plata of Argentina. This house is not an independent work, but rather one of a 30 year series of studies made by Le Corbusier about the question of dwelling and urbanism. In this small site, 2 different programs coexist, a house for a family and a clinic for Dr. Curutchet. This house especially raises various questions about the relationship between public space and private space, inside / outside, opening / closing, up /under, front / back, and so on. Through the analysis of this house, it is possible to clarify the relationship between transition space and its duality. This study will be organized as list below : 1) Analyzing the architectural space of the Maison Curutchet 2) Study on the roles of transition space in this maison 3) Study on the characteristics of the transition space. A comprehension of this transition space is proposed as a resolution for the co-existence of multi-use buildings in urban contemporary architecture.



  1. Le Corbusier, Oeuvre complete(1946-52), Birkhauser, Zurich, 1965
  2. Fondation Le Corbusier Archives(르 꼬르뷔제 재단 문서 보관소), Paris
  3. Alejandro Lapunzina, Le Corbusier's maison Curutchet, princeton architectural press, 1997
  4. Gaston Duprat & Mariano Cohn, L'Homme d'a cote(Film), 2011
  5. Le Corbusier, Precisions, Altamira, 1930
  6. Le Corbusier, Une Maison-un Palais, Editions Connivences, 1928
  7. Rowe Colin & Slutzky Robert, Transparence reelle et virtuelle, Paris, Edition du demi-cercle, 1992
  8. Herman Hertzberger, Lessons for students in architecture, 010 Publishers, 1991
  9. Claude vie & H. E. Ciriani, L'espace de l'architecture moderne, recherche, Ministrere de l'urbanisme du logement et des transports, 1980
  10. Henri Ciriani, Vivre Haut, Archibooks, 2011
  11. Aldo van eyck, Writings, sun, 2006
  12. Steven Park, Le Corbusier redrawn the house, princeton architectural press, 2012
  13. Jacques Lucan, Le Corbusier Encyclopedie, Edition du Centre Georges Pompidou, 1987
  14. Jacques Lucan, Ou va la ville aujourd'hui?, Edition de La Villette, 2012