1930년대 말 서울의 양관에 대한 연구 - 한인 건축가가 설계한 3채를 중심으로 -

The Western-Style Mansions in Seoul in the Late 1930's - Focusing on Three Mansions designed by Korean Architects -

  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


It is evident that certain mansions built in the 1910's for the Korean aristocrats in Seoul designed by foreign architects were used for receptions instead of functioning as regular dwellings. Only in the late 1930's were Korean architects able to start designing the western style mansions adapted to the actual Korean locality. The three mansions studied in this research show in plan that kitchen and annexe spaces are applied to the western style mansions. They are characterized by using 'the three-bay layout with a vestibule' or 'the two-bay layout with a hall' instead of using 'the central corridor type' derived from the Japanese houses of the 1930's. It is also noteworthy to examine how the traditional dwelling Hanok were attached to the western style mansions. In general, Hanok was connected to the western style mansion with a separate corridor while the Japanese house was directly attached to the western style mansion. Both of Hanok and Western style mansion were used for dwelling. Commonly, this double way of life with Hanok has been considered pre-modern. These three cases were, however, not relevant to the modernization though built in the late 1930's. It was rather a matter of clients' taste or architects' choice.



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