이중금속융출형 온돌판넬을 이용한 바닥난방시스템의 난방 및 층간소음성능에 관한 실험적 연구

Experimental Study on Performance Heating and Floor Impact Noise in Floor Heating System on Using Ondol Panel of Double Metal Rendering

  • 배대권 ((주) 세기경영기술연구원) ;
  • 김진봉 ((주) 종합건축사사무소) ;
  • 김환성 ((주) 유일엔지니어링종합건축사사무소)
  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


This study is Experimental Measurement of Heating performance, Energy Consumption and floor impact noise in Floor Heating Method of Construction by Using Ondol Panel of Double Metal Rendering. For this one, an experiment tests producing an each test speciment and measuring performance heating and noise. The result is proved as hot-water supply temperature as $45^{\circ}C$, maximum temperature about surface of mortar and air space in case of supply for 8 hours, mortar surface that is as $49.4^{\circ}C$, the gap of piping on center of mortar surface $44.1^{\circ}C$ and air space $25.3^{\circ}C$. Also, these is proved as a temperature of hot-water supply $75^{\circ}C$, hot-water supplying or circulating for 8 hours, as a technical development on mortar surface that is superstructure plumbing $51.8^{\circ}C$, the gap of piping on center of mortar surface $46.6^{\circ}C$ and air space $25.3^{\circ}C$. On the other hand, in floor heating structure, mortar surface is $48.8^{\circ}C$, the gap of piping on center of mortar surface as $41.4^{\circ}C$, air space is $25.7^{\circ}C$. In addition, the measurement is identified by hot-water supply is $45^{\circ}C$ and supply heating time for 4 hours, 4,646 kcal in technical development, 4,814 kcal in standards in floor heating system structure, $75^{\circ}C$ in hot-water supply, accumulating energy consumption of test speciment 1 is 5,643 kcal in case of heating and 5,860 kcal on standards in floor heating system structure. Also, the result of an experiment on other test-place in regard to between existing technology and developed technology of floor impact noise, sound pressure level in parts of center frequency and evaluating the figure by this test, existing technology are light-weight is 55dB, heavy-weight is 50dB and developed technology are light-weight is 48dB, heavy-weight is 46dB, is verified.



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