A Study on Critical/Post-critical Debate of Contemporary Anglo-American Architectural Community

현대 영미 건축계의 비판/탈-비판 논쟁 연구


This study is on the critial/post-critical debate of Anglo-American Architectural Community. Michael Hays argued that critical architecture is possible and operates between two poles: cultural determinism and autonomous architecture. in 1987. Peter Eisenman also called his architecture as critical architecture. Both were influenced by critical theory. But, Robert Somol and Sara Whiting argued against critical architecture. And they advocated an projective architecture linked to 'the diagrammatic, atmospheric and cool performance' as an alternative to critical architecture. In addition, Michael Speaks said that the era of theory has passed, 'design intelligence' will replaced it. This aroused much controversy in the United States, as well as spread to Europe. This debate is interesting, because it is the starting point of the debate about the possibilities of digital media in architecture. In this paper, I will examine largely critical position(Eisenman and Hays) against post-critical position(Somol and Speaks). In the conclusion, I will evaluate this debate and reexamine the relationship between architectural practice and theory or criticism.



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