Stepwise Volume Decomposition Considering Design Feature Recognition

설계 특징형상 인식을 고려한 단계적 볼륨 분해

  • Kim, Byung Chul (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University) ;
  • Kim, Ikjune (Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST) ;
  • Han, Soonhung (Department of Ocean Systems Engineering, KAIST) ;
  • Mun, Duhwan (Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University)
  • 김병철 (동아대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 김익준 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ;
  • 한순흥 (한국과학기술원 해양시스템공학과) ;
  • 문두환 (경북대학교 정밀기계공학과)
  • Received : 2012.11.21
  • Accepted : 2013.01.14
  • Published : 2013.02.01


To modify product design easily, modern CAD systems adopt the feature-based model as their primary representation. On the other hand, the boundary representation (B-rep) model is used as their secondary representation. IGES and STEP AP203 edition 1 are the representative standard formats for the exchange of CAD files. Unfortunately, both of them only support the B-rep model. As a result, feature data are lost during the CAD file exchange based on these standards. Loss of feature data causes the difficulty of CAD model modification and prevents the transfer of design intent. To resolve this problem, a tool for recognizing design features from a B-rep model and then reconstructing a feature-based model with the recognized features should be developed. As the first part of this research, this paper presents a method for decomposing a B-rep model into simple volumes suitable for design feature recognition. The results of experiments with a prototype system are analyzed. From the analysis, future research issues are suggested.



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Cited by

  1. Non-overlapping Volume Decomposition Using Maximum Volumes vol.19, pp.1, 2014,